Brookwood Middle School is located in the village of Genoa City. Our staff provides a safe, welcoming learning environment for our district’s fourth through eighth graders. A balanced, rigorous and relevant curriculum is offered that focuses on 21st-century learning and life skills. Students use the latest technology to enhance their learning and engage in personalized learning focused on their individual learning needs and/or interests. Brookwood Middle School is a learning community of 300 students. High academic and behavioral expectations are present for all learners. A balance of core academic classes and related arts classes is available for our students. Related arts classes available to students include the following: 2-D Art, 3-D Art, Printmaking Methods, Creative Crafting, Advanced Art, Band, Jazz Band, Music Composition, World Music, Music History, Choir, Show Choir, Book Club, Creative Writing, Leadership 7, Leadership 8, Spanish I, Spanish II, World Language Lab, Beginning Game Design, Beginning Robot Programming, Advanced Game Design, Advanced Robotics, and 3-D Printing. Academic Target sessions in math and reading are available as well as a study hall for those students who want a jumpstart on their homework and/or needs assistance in completing assigned classwork. Our staff strives to know students and their families on an individual level, which is achievable due to the size of our middle school. A variety of extracurricular activities is offered to complement the daily curriculum and extend students’ learning beyond the classroom. Basketball, Softball, Cross Country, Track, and Volleyball are available to both boys and girls. Beyond sports, students may participate in Cheerleading, Student Council, Spelling Bee, Geography Bee, Battle of the Books, Forensics, Yearbook, and the annual Musical. Enrichment opportunities are provided that include but are not limited to, various sports, crafts, science activities, and cooking. Grade level after school guided study halls are provided Tuesday through Thursday. Parents and teachers engage in meaningful conversations, as needed, to guide students to proficiency in each of the curricular area content standards. In order to assist these purposeful conversations, parents have immediate access to their child’s grades, attendance, and lunch account balances through Infinite Campus. Both parents and their children are encouraged to check regularly their student’s progress.
over 5 years ago, Helen Xiong
The Genoa City Joint 2 School District is a 4K-8 school district that provides students with personalized learning experiences in a small school atmosphere. We believe in the importance of educating the whole child through a balanced program of academics and the arts in a technology-rich learning environment. Our schools are the center of the Village of Genoa City and we have a long tradition of parent involvement and community support.
over 5 years ago, Helen Xiong