Our phone and internet services are restored. We will be keeping our emergency phone lines open until the end of the day today. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this outage. We are working with our providers to get more information out to you in regards to the outages.  If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our Director of Digital Expansion Helen Xiong directly. Helen.Xiong@gcj2.k12.wi.us
10 months ago, Helen Xiong
We have received confirmation from our network providers that our phone and internet services will be down tomorrow (4/2/24) at both buildings. Due to the inconsistencies we have had with our service this past month and over break, they are sending out network engineers/technicians tomorrow to service both of our buildings. If you are in need of assistance during the school day, please email our Administrative Assistants who will have internet access to email at school: BES Carey Denecke Carey.Denecke@gcj2.k12.wi.us BMS Amanda Springer Amanda.Springer@gcj2.k12.wi.us Or, call our emergency phone lines that are monitored during regular business hours while our phone lines are down: BES 262-949-3491 BMS 262-949-1806 Once our service is restored, we will post on our social media. We appreciate your support and patience at this time.
10 months ago, Helen Xiong
Last week, our 4th graders spent a chilly afternoon at the Seno K/RLT Conservancy in Burlington, WI. They learned about Maple Sugaring and Native American History. The traditions of maple sugaring have long been a part of Wisconsin’s history for many centuries. This program focused on the process of making maple syrup and the rich Native American history behind this tradition. Students also had lessons on tree identification, how to properly tap a maple tree, the process of sap-to-syrup, and traditional sugaring techniques.
10 months ago, Helen Xiong
What a GREAT day to be a Mustang!!! A HUGE thank you to all of our special guests for spending some time with us today!! We are so thankful for your continued support for our schools. If you had your picture taken by our special camera, we will be printing those photos for you! Your child will be bringing them home sometime after Spring Break. Thank you again to all of our special guests but an even bigger thank you to our amazing staff….now time for a little rest and relaxation. Happy Spring Break!
10 months ago, Helen Xiong
Thank you to all the Grandparents/VIPs for taking time out of their day today to spend it with us! Due to the reported weather conditions for the day, we ask that you please drive safely and be careful arriving to our location(s). We are SO thankful for your continued support in our schools.
10 months ago, Helen Xiong
#MUSTANGPROUD!!! 2nd place in our conference!! Way to go, Mustangs!!!
10 months ago, Helen Xiong
Good luck to our Mighty Mustangs as they play as the #1 seed to their bracket tonight!!! Way to make us #MustangProud
10 months ago, Helen Xiong
8th graders had a great time on their field trip to the 1st Infantry Division from World War I to the Vietnam War Museum. They were able to get to see and walk through military events that they have been learning about and will be learning about throughout the year in Social Studies. What makes this museum unique is that students get the opportunity to be hands on with many of the displays.
10 months ago, Helen Xiong
CONGRATS to these Mustangs!!!! Help us celebrate them because…(drum roll please) they’re going to the championship round as the #1 seed on Thursday at Raymond! Way to make us #MustangProud!!
10 months ago, Helen Xiong
#BrookwoodFamily #GCJ2Alumni Once you are part of the Brookwood Family....you're always a part of the Brookwood Family. We love seeing our GCJ2Alumni featured as they continue to Grow into their Greatness in High School. 
 Brookwood Alumni John Nousaine (currently a senior at Badger) and Kaylub Kosior (currently a junior) competed at the Technicians of Tomorrow event at the Milwaukee Auto Show. This competition pits the top high school automotive technology students against one another in a written and hands on skills competition. The best of the best high school students compete for prizes including tools and technical college scholarships. Eight high schools from SE Wisconsin qualified for the competition with two students representing each school. John and Kaylub placed 4th for Badger, taking home scholarships and tools for both the students and for the automotive program at Badger High School. Way to make us #MustangProud! Did you know that we have a Brookwood Alumni Outreach Program? The first outreach email is coming out soon...so sign up today to be a part of this if you are a Brookwood Alumni! Being a Brookwood Alumni is an aspect of being a Mustang that will forever bond you to the Brookwood Family. We ask that all of our Brookwood Alumni fill out the following form to be included in various emails during the school year that will include school and community events and special messages for our alumni from the Genoa City Joint 2 School District. We are excited that you are interested in being a part of our Alumni Outreach Program and if you have additional questions about it, please reach out to Helen Xiong at Helen.Xiong@gcj2.k12.wi.us Sign up today: https://tinyurl.com/ht4hj2zd
10 months ago, Helen Xiong
6th grade celebrated Pi Day by discovering why when you divide the circumference by the diameter of any circle, you get a number very close to 3.14. They walked three different size circles, counted footsteps and learned how to create decimals from whole number division. Then, they measured other circles using the metric system and discovered the same results. It was fun to find out that Pi was originally created by the Babylonians and that Archimedes gave the mathematical phenomena its symbol. Thank you to parents who donated apple pie for them to enjoy!
10 months ago, Helen Xiong
To get us ready for Peace, Love, and Kindness Day, BMS students spent some time Tie-dyeing t-shirts during their lunch recess. They will wear them on Friday, March 22nd. Let's come together for Kindness and Peace! During Kindness Week, students will also have a chance to write positive messages on the sidewalks, paint rocks for kindness, and clean up around the school grounds.
10 months ago, Helen Xiong
Thank you for your patience as we worked with our providers in restoring our phones and internet. It has now been fully restored throughout the District. We will continue to keep our emergency phone lines open until the end of the day today -- along with our main land lines. Thank you again for your continued support in our District.
10 months ago, Helen Xiong
Phone lines and internet are currently down in both buildings. We are working with our providers to get it back up. If you are in need of assistance, please email our Administrative Assistants who will have internet access to email at school: BES Carey Denecke Carey.Denecke@gcj2.k12.wi.us BMS Amanda Springer Amanda.Springer@gcj2.k12.wi.us Or, call our emergency phone lines that are monitored during regular business hours while our phone lines are down: BES 262-949-3491 BMS 262-949-1806 Thank you for your understanding and patience at this time. We will update you once these systems are restored.
10 months ago, Helen Xiong
Brookwood is celebrating Music In Our Schools Month! At the Middle School, staff was able to share what they sang or played in middle/high school and what their favorite genre or music artist is! For nearly 40 years, March has been designated as Music In Our Schools Month®. The positive impact of music in the lives of our students lasts a lifetime. Every day in General Music, Band, and Choir, Mrs. Collins and Ms. Bullock dedicate themselves to reaching all students with life-changing musical experiences. Parents, administrators, and the wider community often only see the wonderful results of music performances; however, miss the months of practice and rehearsals and more importantly the learning process that takes place to make it all happen. We encourage our community to celebrate music education as an essential part of every student’s educational journey!
10 months ago, Helen Xiong
Grades 1-4: Green Schools Group: Explore ways to help our natural habitat by improving our classrooms, schools, and community. Wednesday from 3:30-4:30 March 13 & 20 April 3,10,17, & 24 May 1,8,15,22,& 29 For more information, please contact Mrs. Bobula: Melissa.Bobula@gcj2.k12.wi.us
10 months ago, Helen Xiong
March is Youth Art Month! It is a national and annual celebration of student art. Started in 1961 through The Art & Creative Materials Institute, Inc., Youth Art Month exists to recognize art education as a viable factor in the total education curriculum that develops citizens of a global society and to recognize art as a necessity for the full development of better quality of life for all. Please join us in celebrating all our Mustang artists. Here are some photos of some of the work done by our middle school students.
10 months ago, Helen Xiong
See you at tonight’s 7/8 Band & 6/7/8 Choir Concert @BMS 6:30PM
10 months ago, Helen Xiong
The last Science on Saturday was spent exploring the Great Barrier Reef and Daintree Rainforest in Far North Queensland, AU, vicariously through Mrs. Kanthack's experiences with her underwater videos and photos. Students also heard an Aboriginal Dreaming Time story about the Blue Fairy Wren and practiced dot painting art common with native cultures there. They learned about how what we do to water in the United States affects reefs all over the world and how important cutting down the use of plastics, because of microparticles entering our water systems, can be to preserve ecosystems. Fact: The Great Barrier Reef is as large as California and currently 1/3 of the coral has bleached (died) due to ocean warming. This reef protects the land and is home to billions of dependent critters! Mrs. Kanthack's saltwater aquarium and tidal pool tank provided by Mr. Derickson really helped their understanding of the impact of algae and bleaching. Thank you to all those that made it out to our Science on Saturday sessions!
10 months ago, Helen Xiong
Thank you for your understanding and patience during our outage. The phones and internet have been restored in both buildings. We will be keeping our emergency phone lines on until the end of the day.
10 months ago, Helen Xiong