Today starts our reading challenge for the month of March at BOTH buildings. The contest is to see which homeroom at each school can read their way across the United States (approximately 2,892 miles {2,892 minutes}). There will be two classrooms who win at each school: one classroom who makes it across the U.S. first and one classroom who reads the most minutes during the month. Each week, your child will be bringing home a reading log. Keep track of the minutes read at home for the week (this week goes from today through Sunday). Return your logs each Monday so we can tally the minutes up. Here's a picture of a map that will show each classrooms' progress. (Thank you to the middle school students who made the maps for each school!) Have fun reading, Mustangs. :)

The Brookwood Girl's volleyball teams are on fire! The A team has won two games and lost only 1 and the B team is undefeated so far this season! The girls are doing an amazing job with communicating on the court, working together as a team, and moving their feet! Our next home game is on Tuesday, March 7th, so come cheer them on!

Thank you....thank you....thank YOU for coming to the BMS book fair to support literacy within our schools and our week of Reading Across America. Did you know that you can still make a purchase to help support our school and classroom libraries? Our online portion of our Scholastic Book Fair is open for shopping until March 12 and we earn 25% back for purchases made online! Just click this link: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/bms3
and scroll all the way to the bottom to check out the scholastic online sale!

#BrookwoodFamily #GCJ2Alumni
Once you are part of the Brookwood Family....you're always a part of the Brookwood Family.
We love seeing our GCJ2Alumni as they continue to Grow into their Greatness!!
Congrats to, Grace, a Brookwood Alumni who graduated in 2018, for achieving a recognition of outstanding academic achievement by being on the Dean’s List at Manchester University!! We are so #MustangProud of your hard work and dedication towards your academics!!
Did you know that we have a Brookwood Alumni Outreach Program? It is a great place to get information about what is happening at Brookwood and how to stay connected ...so sign up today to be a part of this if you are a Brookwood Alumni!
Being a Brookwood Alumni is an aspect of being a Mustang that will forever bond you to the Brookwood Family. We ask that all of our Brookwood Alumni fill out the following form to be included in special emails throughout the school year that will include school and community events and special messages for our alumni from the Genoa City Joint 2 School District. We are excited that you are interested in being a part of our Alumni Outreach Program and if you have additional questions about it, please reach out to Helen Xiong at Helen.Xiong@gcj2.k12.wi.us OR if you have something you want to share with us to share with our whole Brookwood Family reach out to Mrs. Xiong as well!!
Sign up for our Alumni Outreach Program TODAY: https://tinyurl.com/ht4hj2zd

Don't forget!! TOMORROW is the LAST day to submit pizza orders for BFO Bin-GLOW! Get those forms in ASAP!!

Make sure to check out our BMS “shelfies” when you come to check out the book fair. It’s open today during the school day until 4 and on Thursday all day until 7:30pm. See you then!!

BFO Bin-GLOW RSVP forms have been extended to be due by THIS Thursday. Late pizza orders will not be taken after Thursday. If you have questions, please contact the BFO at brookwoodfamily19@gmail.com

Happy Read Across America Week!
Here is your Mustang Morning Show! Enjoy!

March 3rd----No School

Ms. Bartucci and students had a “blast” learning about and building water rockets during the second Science on Saturday. Here a link to the blast off video: https://tinyurl.com/smh9cten
Science / Technology / Engineering / Art / Math on Saturday for 3rd-5th graders to experiment, explore, and invent. Contact Mrs. Kanthack (7th & 8th Grade Science Lead) to register. The last date for this event is March 4 from 8:30-9:30 at BMS. They still have openings so join today!!

The district is excited to celebrate Reading Across America through various events this week and activities throughout the month!
3/2 Wear Brookwood gear or cozy clothes for "Mustangs cozy up with a good book" to celebrate Read Across America Day. BES students will be reading during their individual reading times throughout the day. BMS students will be having a 20 minute school-wide "Drop Everything and Read" time during the day.

The district is excited to celebrate Reading Across America through various events this week and activities throughout the month!
3/1 Dress like a tourist or like you're on vacation for the Read Across America Challenge. Homeroom teachers across district will get weekly logs for students to track minutes of reading. Each minute of reading counts as one mile as we track our way across the USA. Reading logs will be distributed weekly to homeroom teachers and then collected so minutes/miles will be tallied and you can watch your homeroom's progress across a map that will be displayed at each school. This challenge will start March 1 and go through March 31.

The district is excited to celebrate Reading Across America through various events this week and activities throughout the month!
2/28 Dress in athletic clothes to celebrate the ongoing Book March Madness at the elementary school and the start of Book March Madness at the middle school. BES teachers have already started with classroom activities for March Madness and will continue with them through March. BMS teachers will be getting a bracket to fill out with their homerooms and will also get a slideshow presentation to share with students about the books to help make bracket selections. Rounds and winners will be posted throughout the month.

The district is excited to celebrate Reading Across America through various events this week and activities throughout the month!
2/27 Dress as your favorite book character to celebrate the opening day of the Book Fair at BMS. We encourage all students and families to attend the book fair and support our school libraries and classroom libraries.

We’ve had so much fun the past month at Saturday Morning Basketball! Our Mustang athletes-in-training have been developing their dribbling and shooting fundamentals through various drills. They’ve also enjoyed their favorites: Red Light Green Light, Sharks & Minnows, and some five-on-five games. These are fun ways to practice ball control, keeping our eyes up when dribbling, and ball protection. Can’t wait for our last session on March 4th!

BFO needs YOUR help to make their next event a success. Sign up here to help volunteer: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040e44aea629a7fd0-family?fbclid=IwAR0QNfTxWswdDrgb4buft_CF_mjtzfMuSV99MkWwTRGax6-j-xuo0FFJqRk#/

Make sure to check out our Facebook page to see a live stream video about our BMS book fair! And stay tuned for more info being posted this weekend about our Read Across America celebration we are doing this upcoming week at both buildings.

Come and Read S’more Books with us!!! We will be here until 7pm at BES tonight!!! We hope to see you all soon! Thank you again to our all of our staff that was a part of this event, our community guest readers, those who donated books for the book exchange, and our BFO who donated funds for the snacks tonight.

Don’t forget about our FREE community event tonight: Read S’more Books at BES from 5pm-7pm. Even if you didn’t RSVP, you are welcome to attend!!
Ski Club Members, please check your email from an update from Mrs. Horak
Rescheduled Game: On Monday, February 27th, the Mustangs will travel to Wheatland to make up this Thursday’s volleyball games that were canceled due to weather. Come out to support your Mustangs!
Here is your Mustang Minute for the week: https://www.smore.com/cqzua-mustang-minute

See you at tomorrow’s Read S’more Reading Event. This event is open to all of our students and community members.
Come learn about various easy to use literacy strategies to practice at home, enjoy reading s’more books with us, our guest community readers, and our free book exchange!!! See you tomorrow!