Mustang Playgroup Sign-up: https://tinyurl.com/4u5zj6zr
What: Introduce your 3 or 4 year old to Brookwood Elementary School and staff by coming to this play based learning group! We will hold this playgroup every Wednesday and Friday that school is in session. This is a great way to build your child’s social and pre-academic skills.
Who: Children ages 3-4 (not currently in 4 year old Kindergarten) are invited to participate.
Where: Brookwood Elementary School
When: Every week starting Sept 26th, on Wednesdays and Fridays 8:30- 10:00 (on days that regular school is in session) Our last playgroup for the school year will be on May 26th .
Click on the following link to sign your child up: https://tinyurl.com/4u5zj6zr

The Brookwood Clothing Closet will be open during Back to School night in the middle school art room. Families can stop by for free, gently used clothing on Tuesday, August 30th from 4-7 pm. Questions can be directed to Kim Garrett at kim.garrett@gcj2.k12.wi.us

Please help us welcome Nicole Stanislawski to the Brookwood Family! She will be joining our 6th grade team at the middle school teaching Science and English Language Arts. She received her degree in Middle Childhood / Early Adolescence Education with a minor in General Science Education from UW-La Crosse.
She decided to pursue a career in education because she had very positive, encouraging, and influential educators throughout my schooling. She wants to inspire, teach, and help students the same way her teachers helped her when she was younger.
Stanislawski is family oriented and loves animals, She also enjoys working out and being outside. In terms of sports, she loves playing volleyball, golf, and rugby.
Stanislawski chose Brookwood because from the minute she walked into her interview to when she left the school, she felt welcomed by all the staff members she met and felt extremely comfortable the entire time. She also feels that Brookwood possesses a very positive environment that she believes she will fit into very well. What she is looking forward to most is meeting Brookwood staff, the students, and families during her first year. She is also looking forward to learning and growing as a teacher during her first year.
Welcome to the Brookwood Family, Nicole!!

Calling all Brookwood Families! We invite you to join us at the first Brookwood Family Organization meeting of the year on September 6th at 6:30 PM at BES. The BFO is our District's PTO group that plans fun events and fundraisers to help raise money to support the schools and students in all different ways. We’d LOVE it if you could join us. We are ALWAYS looking for new creative ways to support our students and we can always use a helping hand to plan events and activities. See you there!

Please welcome Britt Brill to our Brookwood Family as our new 7th and 8th grade Math Teacher! She is proud to say that she graduated 8th grade from Brookwood, attended high school from Badger High School, received her Bachelor's degree from UW-Madison, and her Master's degree is from UW-Whitewater. Her undergraduate degree is in Special Education and her Master's degree is in Special Education with an Autism Specialist Certificate, as well as a Transition Specialist Certificate. Brill also has her teaching license in both Special Education and Math Education.
Her desire to become a teacher started in first grade, in Mrs. Pierce's class at Brookwood Elementary. The way Mrs. Pierce taught and the passion she showed for her students made Brill's desire to make others feel that way about learning.
Brill started her college career as a math major, to become a math teacher. After her freshman year of college, she started working with a young boy on the Autism spectrum. After working with him for the summer, Brill changed her major to special education, as she knew that her life had been forever changed. After 21 years in special education, she decided to focus on her love of math and helping students learn to love math the way she does.
Brill is excited to be back at Brookwood where her love of education began. She is very excited to give back to the community that she grew up in.
Brill has been married to her amazing husband, Matthew, for 16 years. They have three children: 2 of whom will be attending Brookwood this year: one in the elementary school and one in the middle school. They have lived in Elkhorn for the past 16 years, yet still have many ties to the Genoa City area. In her free time, she enjoys being outside, playing board games, scrapbooking, and drinking a Frappuccino at Starbucks.
Brill is very excited to be back home and to be a Mustang once again!
Once a Mustang, forever a Mustang! Glad to have you on staff, Britt!

Please welcome Kim Disalvo to our Brookwood Family! She joins the team as the Director of Business Services in our District Office. She received her Business Administration and Management Degree from Harper College in Palatine, Illinois.
She decided to pursue the position she did because she has a lot of respect for educators and wanted to find a way to make a difference within an educational setting. She has worked in education for over 10 years and loves being on the finance and employee relations side of the organization. Disalvo, says, "Teachers and support staff work so hard in the classroom and they deserve to have the best support system behind them!" She loves being a member of the team that supports the staff, students, and parents so they can do what they do best - inspire greatness in each other and their students!
Disalvo has been married for over 25 years and has two beautiful daughters and two dogs. Her oldest just graduated from Carroll University in Waukesha with her degree in Psychology and Educational Studies and is pursuing her Master's at the University of Wisconsin, Whitewater. Her youngest is a senior at McHenry High School, West Campus, and is a certified CNA who is looking to pursue a degree in medicine when she attends college. Disalvo herself loves animals, music, and being outdoors.
The reason she chose Brookwood is because the culture is very welcoming and is connected to the community. It is important to her to be part of an organization that values trust, respect, and dedication. What she is looking forward to most this year is getting to know everyone and start making a difference! She is honored to have the privilege to provide service and support to all members of the Brookwood family and the community it touches.
Welcome to the Brookwood Family, Kim!

Please help us welcome Brittany Brunning to the Brookwood Family! She will be teaching Early Childhood Special Education this year at our elementary school.
She graduated from University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh in 2011 and obtained a degree in Elementary Education as well as in Early Childhood Special Education. This will be her 11th year teaching and has found that each year that she teaches she finds it that much more fulfilling. She enjoys seeing her students excited to be at school and watching them get engaged in the activities presented. She believes that as a teacher, one of the most important aspects of teaching is the parent/ teacher team. She is very passionate about teaching and learning through technology and hand-on life experiences. Brunning believes that families play a large role in student success and plays a large role in students emotional and educational development.
Brunning and her family are very excited to become part of the Brookwood Family. They recently moved from Walworth to this area and have found the community to be very, very helpful and welcoming. Brunning has two daughters who will be attending Brookwood with her this year. When she is not lesson planning or writing IEP’s, you can find her with her family and friends. She enjoys reading, baking, spending time near water, and gardening. She also enjoys volunteering at her church where she is the preschool children’s ministry coordinator.
Brunning is very excited to meet you all and get this school year started with fun, learning and lots of new adventures.
Welcome to the Brookwood Family, Brittany!

Parents, tomorrow, August 19th is the LAST day for Online Registration. Online registration is MANDATORY for all families. If you do not have a computer or wish to complete the online registration with assistance, please plan on attending our Registration Day on Tuesday, August 23rd from 11am-7pm @ BMS. Please note, this event will be held at the Middle School for both schools. And, there is NO need to attend Registration Day if you have already completed the online registration at home.
If you are a returning student please follow this link to register: https://gcj2.powerschool.com/public
If you child is new to our District OR if you do not know your log in information, please call the school office for more information and/or questions.

Did you know there are over 80 brands and 350 products that participate in Box Tops? You can buy them at any retailer, then just scan your receipt with the Box Tops app and earn cash for your school. It's that easy!
The money we earn from boxtops helps with school events, books, and student supplies.
Download the FREE app today!
Have any boxtop questions please reach out to us at brookwoodfamily19@gmail.com

Join the BFO at the End of Summer Barnyard Bash during Back to School Night @BMS.
Popsicles and yard games, face painting and crafts, kid's entertainment from Brian Wismer Entertainment
Food available for purchase from Gracie's Kitchen Food Truck.

Calling all 7th and 8th graders for the upcoming school year!! Rise to Greatness!
-Help make decisions that will impact you
-Get to know your teachers
-Become problem solvers
_Learn to work as a team (heard)
*Supper provided*
RSVP to Ms. Mohr or the middle school office

And that’s a wrap for “New Staff Day” —Welcome to the family, Mustangs!

It’s a great day to be a Mustang!! We are so excited to share with you our new and “new” staff members! We have a mix of new new staff and long term substitutes from last school year joining us officially for this new school year. We love adding to our Brookwood Family!! Get ready for their staff features coming out soon!!
Today, they spent the day on site learning about our district, buildings, and the amazingness of being a Mustang,💙 and will also be formally introduced to our community at tonight’s Board Meeting.

Hey Mustangs!! See you at Touch a Truck at Veteran’s Park today!! Our BFO is hosting their own game stand and their games will be running until 1:00 today.
Make sure to also stop by our GC Friends of the Library Book Sale that runs until 4pm today and is open tomorrow from Noon-3pm at the elementary school.

8/2/22 3:45pm —Thank you for your patience these past few days. Phone lines at both buildings have been restored.

We apologize but the phone lines at both buildings are still down. If you are in need of assistance please email our Administrative Assistants:
BES Carey Denecke Carey.Denecke@gcj2.k12.wi.us
BMS Amanda Springer Amanda.Springer@gcj2.k12.wi.us
Or call our emergency phone lines that are monitored during regular business hours when phone lines are down:
BES 262-949-3491
BMS 262-949-1806
Thank you for your understanding and patience at this time. We will update you once lines are restored.

We apologize but the phone lines at both buildings will be down through the weekend and into Monday. If you are in need of assistance please email our Administrative Assistants:
BES Carey Denecke Carey.Denecke@gcj2.k12.wi.us
BMS Amanda Springer Amanda.Springer@gcj2.k12.wi.us
Or call our emergency phone lines that are monitored during regular business hours when phone lines are down:
BES 262-949-3491
BMS 262-949-1806
Thank you for your understanding and patience at this time. We will update you once lines are restored.

Both schools will be hosting a Back to School Night on August 30, from 4-7pm @ BES and BMS. Teachers will be busy with inservice and preparing their classrooms for our guests. Doors
will not open until 4:00pm and families will not be able to enter the building until this time. At this
time, you and your student will be able to:
● get his/her picture taken (note: Picture Retake day is 11/1 during the school day)
● meet the teachers and get acquainted with the classroom and school
● drop off school supplies
● receive bus stop locations and times
● put funds in your student’s food service (breakfast, lunch, and milk) account
● get your locker assignment and Semester I schedule (BMS students only)
● learn more about PowerSchool and Google Classroom (BMS families only)

Genoa City J2 School District online registration for the 2022-2023 school year will be open
August 1st-August 19th. Online registration is MANDATORY for all families. If you do not
have a computer or wish to complete the online registration with assistance, please plan on
attending our Registration Day on Tuesday, August 23rd from 11am-7pm @ BMS. Please
note, this event will be held at the Middle School for both schools. And, there is NO need to
attend Registration Day if you have already completed the online registration at home. We
recommend that both NEW users and those already familiar with PowerSchool review the
PowerSchool section below for detailed instructions on how to complete your registration and to
learn about some new features. Questions regarding online registration can be directed to:
Carey Denecke, BES: 262-279-6496, carey.denecke@gcj2.k12.wi.us or
Amanda Springer BMS: 262-279-1053, amanda.springer@gcj2.k12.wi.us

Please see the following Mustang Message from Superintendent Drew Halbesma: https://youtu.be/R4DwqxenQxM and the following letter that was sent out to all of our Brookwood Families (English): https://tinyurl.com/4m8ctfbz (Spanish): https://tinyurl.com/3mkee7cs