Please enjoy the BMS Screendoor Productions of Willy Wonka!! 5/19/22 cast: 5/20/22 cast:
almost 3 years ago, Helen Xiong
Here's your last Mustang Message of the school year with Ms. Bohn and a special guest!! Mensaje Mustang en español:
almost 3 years ago, Helen Xiong
BMS dismissal 11:30am BES dismissal 12:20pm **No 4K Programming June 3rd**
almost 3 years ago, Helen Xiong
Reminder: there will be NO SCHOOL on Monday, May 30th in observance of Memorial Day. We hope you will join us in honoring the men and women who have died while fighting for our liberties by attending the Memorial Day Program hosted by our local legion being held in the BES Gymnasium at 10am.
almost 3 years ago, Helen Xiong
Mustang Minute from your Principals' Offices:
almost 3 years ago, Helen Xiong
LOOK WHAT’S HERE!!!! If you haven’t ordered one….please call the front offices and they can get you one! $20/per book
almost 3 years ago, Helen Xiong
Thank you, Ms. Toni from Genoa City Public Library for coming to talk with all of our students district wide and sharing about the amazing summer programs our local library is offering!! We are so thankful for the connections we have with our local community groups and how they help share with us in growing our students into their greatness!
almost 3 years ago, Helen Xiong
Greetings Brookwood Families! We are excited to once again offer our school supply program, Brookwood Bundles. The teachers have thoughtfully prepared a school supply list for the 2022-2023 school year, and we are pleased to offer an opportunity to purchase these supplies right here from your school! The grade level supplies will be gathered into convenient and easy-to-use bundles. They will include all of the supplies needed for the school year and will be ready and waiting for your child in their classroom on Open House Night in August. There is no need to brave the busy stores and worry if you’ll find all of the items on the list. Our team will take care of all the details so that you may enjoy your precious summer days! The end of the school year is fast approaching and schedules are filling up quickly. Please take a moment out of your busy schedule to consider this opportunity. Each bundle purchased will help support our Families in Need school supply program. Thank you for your support! Questions? Contact Carrie Nowicki at
almost 3 years ago, Helen Xiong
We are SO excited to continue a new series called: Sharing YOUR Greatness! We ask our Brookwood families to share with us things our Brookwood students are doing outside of school so we can share in your greatness and how #MustangProud we are of your accomplishments!! If you have something to it to Mrs. Xiong at Our next sharer of greatness is Brynn who is a 5th grader at BMS. Here's a bit more about this student of greatness: Brynn is 12 years old and has been wrestling folkstyle and freestyle for 6 years. She is a 3 time state champ, once for folkstyle and twice for freestyle. She has competed in many tournaments in 13 different states so far. Her goal is to wrestle in all 50 states. Another goal of hers is to be in the Olympics. - In March she was in Colorado for a USA Folkstyle National Tournament, taking 2nd place. Brynn ended March with taking 2nd place at Wisconsin State for Folkstyle wrestling in the 70# division. In April she was on a Badger Girls Elite Team representing Wisconsin. She wrestled 8 times, pinning all 8 girls. She was ranked #1 out of about 120 girls throughout the tournament as the most pins, least amount of time with a total time of 8:23. She is on Team Wisconsin and headed to the 2022 14U WFS National Dual Team, June 14-18, Tulsa, Oklahoma. She will be wrestling some of the best freestyle teams from across the county. Brynn just came back from Women’s Freestyle Nationals in Texas. She took first place in the U15 33 kg and also first in the 14u 72# division. Upon winning both of these divisions, she is qualified to attend the U15 Pan American Championship in Rio Negro, Colombia. Way to make us #MustangProud, Brynn!!
almost 3 years ago, Helen Xiong
Greetings Brookwood Families! We are excited to once again offer our school supply program, Brookwood Bundles. The teachers have thoughtfully prepared a school supply list for the 2022-2023 school year, and we are pleased to offer an opportunity to purchase these supplies right here from your school! The grade level supplies will be gathered into convenient and easy-to-use bundles. They will include all of the supplies needed for the school year and will be ready and waiting for your child in their classroom on Open House Night in August. There is no need to brave the busy stores and worry if you’ll find all of the items on the list. Our team will take care of all the details so that you may enjoy your precious summer days! The end of the school year is fast approaching and schedules are filling up quickly. Please take a moment out of your busy schedule to consider this opportunity. Each bundle purchased will help support our Families in Need school supply program. Thank you for your support! Questions? Contact Carrie Nowicki at
almost 3 years ago, Helen Xiong
Congratulations to Abbie and Kate for their Golden character. This month, leading up to the Willy Wonka musical, BMS students received golden tickets if they went above and beyond for their classmates, teachers, or school. Their names were displayed on the pillars during the musical and their names were read during announcements. After the musical, we drew 2 names and the winners received a basket of goodies sponsored by the BFO. Way to be Brookwood ladies!
almost 3 years ago, Helen Xiong
No School : May 30, 2022
almost 3 years ago, Helen Xiong
Please see the following Mustang Message from our Superintendent Kellie Bohn: Por favor vea lo siguiente Mensaje Mustang en español, con Danica Rodriguez:
almost 3 years ago, Helen Xiong
3rd grade has had a blast with their buddy up events at the middle school. Here are a few pictures of when 3rd grade came for a 4th grade shadow day to help 3rd graders understand the routine and check out the chromebooks they'll be using next year!
almost 3 years ago, Helen Xiong
The Willy Wonka Stage crew is ready for one final show! Come see Willy Wonka Jr tonight at 7:00pm at BMS. Concessions will be available until the show begins!
almost 3 years ago, Helen Xiong
Mustang Minute from the Principals' Offices:
almost 3 years ago, Helen Xiong
See you for tonight’s or tomorrow’s Willy Wonka Jr. showing at 7pm!!! There just might be more golden tickets to be handed out.
almost 3 years ago, Helen Xiong
Thank you to all the incoming 4th grade families that made it out to our parent night last night!!! We know the transition is scary but it’s going to be great!!!
almost 3 years ago, Helen Xiong
First dress rehearsal is currently happening!! So proud of our musical cast and staff members that have made this possible. We love that our K-2nd graders and friends at Burr Oaks could join us for our first one!! We hope to see our community at our night performances this week at 7 pm on Thursday and Friday at the middle school!!
almost 3 years ago, Helen Xiong
7th graders made elephant toothpaste, more tie-dyes, taught us about bunnies and leopard geckos, and they even taught us how to plant a sunflower. More speeches to come this week!
almost 3 years ago, Helen Xiong