Students in Mrs. Erickson's science class are currently learning about different environments, specifically deserts and rainforests. To help them learn they are planting rainforest (closed) and desert (open) terrariums. They will be observing the terrariums and keeping a journal about their observations for the next few weeks.
over 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
Picture retake day is Oct 2 for both schools. If your child did not get their picture taken at Open House they will have their picture taken on 10/2. If you need your child to get their picture retaken, E.D. Clark requests you bring the packet back that you got of the Open House proofs and fill out the form on that envelope or get a new envelope from either front office. Picture retakes are free if it is being retaken due to eyes being closed but if they are being retaken for your pleasure there is a cost.
over 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
September 15 was international Dot Day. 1st through 5th grade artists at BES and BMS celebrated DOT DAY in Mrs. Horak's art room and did an amazing job! Dot Day is a global celebration of creativity, courage and collaboration inspired by the book "The Dot" by Peter H. Reynolds.
over 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
September 15 was international Dot Day. 1st through 5th grade artists at BES and BMS celebrated DOT DAY in Mrs. Horak's art room and did an amazing job! Dot Day is a global celebration of creativity, courage and collaboration inspired by the book "The Dot" by Peter H. Reynolds.
over 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
Save the date!! GCJ2 Fall Fest October 21, 2023 from 12pm-3pm @BMS We can't wait to see you all there!! More information to follow.
over 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
The annual All-City Cross Country Meet is September 29 at Badger High School. Transportation and supervision is only provided to the BMS CC team but if other Brookwood families attend -- we highly encourage participants to wear their Brookwood gear and supervise their children due to the amount of people that will be at this event. We hope to see many of our Brookwood Families in attendance at this annual event and can't wait to cheer on our Mustangs!!
over 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
Day 2!! Camp Wonderland has been a blast!!!! Check out our facebook for more pictures!
over 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
Day 2!! Camp Wonderland has been a blast!!!! Check out our facebook for more pictures!
over 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
It’s been a great day at camp so far but 6th graders are looking most forward to tonight’s night hike and campfire!
over 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
All 5K-8 students will participate in our Pediatric Cancer Awareness Walk. Elementary students will be bussed to the Middle School at 12:50 pm to join their Middle School buddies for the walk at 1:00 pm. Donations are accepted, but not required, to participate. Proceeds will be donated to Kisses From Keegan & Friends to support families affected by childhood cancer. For more information, please visit & to view a video about KFK. If you would like to make a donation, please complete the form below and send it with your child by September 29th.
over 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
🚨Today’s softball games are POSTPONED!🚨The softball fields are under water due to the rain we’ve had recently. Please stay tuned for information about the rescheduled date. Go Mustangs! 🥎
over 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
Yesterday, our 4th-8th grade cross country team had a meet at Union Grove and they did awesome. So proud of our Mustangs! Here are a few snapshots of the meet. Have more pictures to add to our FB post? Email them to Mrs. Xiong at
over 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
Brookwood Families: To celebrate Family P.E. Week, you are invited to join your students Tuesday, October 3rd and Wednesday, October 4th during their scheduled Physical Education (Elementary School) and Personal Wellness (Middle School) classes! If you would like to know when your student has class please email the following teachers: Brookwood Elementary: Mrs. Brenek Brookwood Middle: Mr. Guth
over 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
See you at Touch a Truck, Mustangs!!! We will be here until 2:00pm. We can’t wait to hear your feedback in regaurds to the community’s school forest —which is the first school forest in Walworth County!!!
over 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
6th Grade students are excited about attending Camp Wonderland next week! The days will be filled with great outdoor activities including archery, fishing, dissecting owl pellets and team activities that build camaraderie, thinking skills and problem solving. More information will be directed to parents!
over 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
Thankful the Village of Genoa City has included us as a part of this event with highlighting the First School Forest in Walworth County…which is OURS!!! See you this Saturday, Mustangs. 💙🫶🏼💙 🚨🚓Touch-A-Truck is almost HERE!!!🚜🚨 Some of our exhibits include: Robinson's Wholesale Fishing Derby with the Genoa City Police Department! 🎣 🐠 🐟 👮🏼‍♂️ Featuring Trucks and Equipment from: Oscar Mayer the WeinerMobile Bloomfield Genoa City Fire & Rescue, Walworth County Sheriff's Office, Rock Solid Stabilization & Reclamation, Inc. Genoa City Public Works, The Davey Tree Expert Company, Mac's Moving and Storage, OnSite Equipment, Walworth County Public Works, GenaSnoers, Ozinga, ALCIVIA, Dousman Transport Company, Rae's Towing and Recovery and more!! 🚑🚒🚓🌭🚛🚜👷👩‍🌾 Exhibits from: Village of Genoa City and Genoa City Schools collaboration of our new School Forestry and Wetland Conservation Program, American Fireworks, Free Children's Vision Screenings with the Genoa City Lions Club, and the mobile library from Genoa City Public Library! 🌳 🏞️ 🎆🦁👀📚 And FOOD TRUCKS!!!! Dr. Taco, Show Us Your Meats BBQ , and Tropical Chill - Hawaiian Shaved Ice & Ice Cream 🌮 🍖 🍦
over 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
Last week, 5th and 6th grade classes played a team building game called, "Fox and Quail." Students were partnered up -- one was the fox and the other was the quail. The quail had to run and try to pick up food, "bean bags" and bring them back to their side of the grounds; while the foxes tried to pull the flags off the quails belt. The game also had hula hoops that were safe zones for the quails. It was a fun way for our staff to incorporate science into the gameplay: What a predator is and what prey are! The kids had a blast!
over 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
Due to anticipated weather conditions this afternoon (and softball field conditions) practice for both cross country and softball is cancelled today. See you tomorrow at Brookwood for our first softball games of the season!
over 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
Make sure to ask your middle schooler how their end of the day went today! #GoMustangs!
over 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
What an AMAZING first day...and it's because of YOU ALL!! We have the best students and staff around and we wouldn't be able to do what we do without our amazing Brookwood Family!!! See you all tomorrow, Mustangs. We know our staff is going to sleep well tonight!!
over 1 year ago, Helen Xiong