Thankful that the YMCA allows us to host a location at our Elementary School for learning and/or childcare. If you are interested in more information, please reach out to them directly.

LOVE having students back in the buildings. Happy first day, Mustangs!!!

We can’t wait to have our Mustangs back in our buildings! Today is the day!! See you soon, Mustangs!!!
BES: doors open at 8:20am with school starting at 8:30am and the end of the day is at 3:30pm
BMS: doors open at 7:30am with school starting at 7:40am and the end of the day is at 2:40pm

The halls have been far too quiet for far too long…. Last night felt so good and so right to have so many of you back in the buildings. Thank you to all the families that were able to come out to Open House. Our buildings and our staff have missed you all sooooo much, and after three great inservice days…we are ready for the new school year to continue to Grow into Greatness with our Brookwood Family. We can’t wait to see you all on your first day of school. 🫶🏼

One hour count down!!! Open house is going on until 7!! If you haven’t stopped by, see you soon!

Brookwood Closet is open until 7 tonight at the middle school. Everything is new or gently used and FREE! Please come by and take whatever you need!
If you’re in need of additional assistance, please contact either school office or Helen Xiong at Helen.Xiong@gcj2.k12.wi.us

Get your spirit wear orders in now through our PTO
Here is the order link due Sept. 22: https://www.facebook.com/people/Brookwood-PTO/100093974303862/
Make sure you follow their new Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100093974303862

Let’s go!!! Day 1 of Teacher In Service!!!!! Always working on doing what’s best for all kids. Revisioning, Reimagining, Redefining Student Success so that ALL children “Grow into Greatness!” See you all tomorrow at Open House from 4pm-7pm at BES and/or BMS.

We can’t wait to have our Mustangs back in our buildings! See you on September 5th!
BES: doors open at 8:20am with school starting at 8:30am and the end of the day is at 3:30pm
BMS: doors open at 7:30am with school starting at 7:40am and the end of the day is at 2:40pm

FREE gently used and/or new clothing will be available for families to take during Open House on August 29th from 4 pm-7 pm at the Brookwood Middle School library.
All families are welcome to take what is needed. Sizing of clothing range is for school-aged children, 4K-8th grade.

Thank you…thank you…thank you to all the families that came out to meet Mr. Lubus tonight!!! If you weren’t able to come out tonight…no worries…see you at Open House at BES and BMS on August 29th from 4pm-7pm and meet Mr. Lubus at the BMS Open House!

See you soon, Mustangs!! Mr. Lubus will be at the front of BMS for his meet and greet with a sweet treat for you all…with some yard games and books from our Family Engagement Team!

What a great day 2 with our newest Mustang staff!!
Today, our new staff were joined by their mentors to get them ready and set for the upcoming inservice week and the beginning of the school year.
You might have seen them in town today as they also partook in a community scavenger hunt to get to know the history of Genoa City!! Enjoy their scavenger hunt pictures!!

What a great day 2 with our newest Mustang staff!!
Today, our new staff were joined by their mentors to get them ready and set for the upcoming inservice week and the beginning of the school year.
You might have seen them in town today as they also partook in a community scavenger hunt to get to know the history of Genoa City!! Enjoy their scavenger hunt pictures!!

What a great day 2 with our newest Mustang staff!!
Today, our new staff were joined by their mentors to get them ready and set for the upcoming inservice week and the beginning of the school year.
You might have seen them in town today as they also partook in a community scavenger hunt to get to know the history of Genoa City!! Enjoy their scavenger hunt pictures!!

What a great day to be a Mustang!! Please welcome our newest members to our Brookwood Family……our new staff!! Today was the first day of our two day New Staff orientation. We can’t wait for you all to meet them!!

The Brookwood PTO has a new Facebook page this year where all PTO events and activities will be posted for Brookwood families to see. Take a look at our new Brookwood PTO board for this upcoming 2023/2024 school year!

Whether or not you did or didn't...it doesn't matter!
The Family Engagement Team welcomes you and your family to come by BMS on August 22nd from 5pm-6:30pm to get Booked by Brookwood and meet Mr. Lubus!

All are invited to come and meet Mr. Lubus at a Meet & Greet on August 22nd from 5pm-6:30pm at BMS!
If you miss him at this event, we invite you to also visit with him at our Open House night on August 29th from 4pm-7pm. Open House will be open for BOTH schools on this date and time but Mr. Lubus will be at BMS.

Brookwood Families, please see the following Press Release from our District Office: