Happy Monday! Here’s your Mustang Morning Show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvOCHN6gLwM
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Here is this week's Brookwood Bulletin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xETp3er2SzM
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Here's your Mustang Minute from the Principals' Offices: https://www.smore.com/7d8wt
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Get ready to celebrate "The Best in the MidWEST" for Staff Appreciation Week May 8th - May 12th Interested in how you can help support our staff? Please visit the link below! Sign Up Genius- https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040E44AEA629A7FD0-teacher1
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
8th grade trip will be to Beloit Sky Carp Baseball Game on May 17!! Find out more info from your child's homeroom teacher!
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Only one more day before our BMS Annie Jr. debut. Our kids are working hard singing, dancing and memorizing lines. Come out to Brookwood Middle School Thursday and/or Friday night to support these young performers! The show starts at 7:00pm and concessions will be sold before the show begins.
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Congratulations to our 5th graders on their DARE graduation today! We are so thankful for community partners like the Walworth County Sheriff's Department and the Genoa City Police Department. Thank you to Lieutenant Bappert for running the program with us and for Chief Balog for coming today and Deputy Adams for bringing in K9 Klaas!!! Congrats to our two DARE essay winners as well: Veronica and Evlyn!!!
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Our 5th and 6th Graders will be attending the Lyric Opera of Chicago: The Scorpions' Sting on May 4th. More information can be found via your child's teachers or the middle school office.
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Did you get your Brookwood Bundle ordered? Hurry and get your orders in before the deadline!! We are excited to once again offer our school supply program, Brookwood Bundles. The teachers have thoughtfully prepared a school supply list for the 2023-2024 school year, and we are pleased to offer an opportunity to purchase these supplies right here from your school! The grade level supplies will be gathered into convenient and hassle-free bundles. They will include all of the supplies needed for the school year and will be ready and waiting for your child in their classroom on Open House Night in August. There is no need to brave the busy stores and worry if you’ll find all of the items on the list. Our team will take care of all the details so that you may enjoy your precious summer days! The end of the school year is fast approaching and schedules are filling up quickly. Please take a moment out of your busy schedule to consider this opportunity. Each bundle purchased will help support our Families in Need school supply program. Thank you for your support!
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Calling all 6th-8th graders to a dance at BMS hosted by our BMS Student Council! Date 5/12/23 $5 per person! See you then!
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Here’s this week's Brookwood Bulletin. Have a great weekend, Mustangs! https://youtu.be/VuOV2xaq6do
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Here's your Mustang Minute from the Principals' Offices: https://www.smore.com/qwzta
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
At last night's board meeting, Ms. Bullock invited 4 of her Entrepreneurship students to present to the board about their class in what they learned and what the results were of the classes big projects and sale they held to the middle school students the day before spring break. All students did an awesome job presenting and the Board was very impressed by the lessons learned. Way to make us #MustangProud!!
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Save the date for FUN FAIR Friday May, 19th! The registration form will be sent out in the next couple of weeks. Interested in volunteering?? Please visit the sign up link below. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040e44aea629a7fd0-funfair1?fbclid=IwAR1Bbv-8nJ7BnYvBJ5mm9oRWMEG0mPWe-e8PRWeXc5G1Y4tEbE8RERIUWzc#/ If you have questions about FUN FAIR , please contact brookwoodfamily19@gmail.com -The Brookwood PTO
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
BMS Spring Music Festival and Art Show on Thursday, My 18th at BMS Doors open at 5:30pm and Concert begins at 6:30pm All BMS music, band, choir, and art classes
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Invasive plants are a problem in Wisconsin. Invasive plants are non-native plants behaving badly. Invasive plants such as garlic mustard, honeysuckle, and buckthorn are taking over the park and path near Hunters Ridge. This problem will not fix itself. Take action to save the native plants and wildlife habitat. Start identify and removing invasive plants. THIS WORK MEETING IS BEING HELD AT BMS ON 4/19, 4/26, 5/3, and 5/10. Questions: Melissa Bobula --Melissa.Bobula@gcj2.k12.wi.us
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
BMS actors are working hard to bring you the best production of Annie Jr. ever! Saturday was spent painting sets, polishing up dance steps and perfecting characters. Join us April 27 & 28th at 7 at BMS for this student led musical.
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
In 7/8th grade photography class, students took a walk outside to photograph the daffodils in bloom. They also learned about why the daffodils were planted here at BMS. Here are a few of their photos and a brief history written by Mrs. Kanthack about the planting of the daffodils: The 911 Memorial Daffodils were planted from 2002 and 2019 by Brookwood Middle School 4th Graders. They only bloom once a year in remembrance of 911 and the lives lost as well as firefighters and police, and those who served to help others. The project has been going on for 20 years now, starting down at the elementary school. Fourth graders planted them from 2002 through 2019. Now, our 8th graders have taken on the honor of naturalizing with them. The color yellow represents peace among all of us inhabiting the world. Because the bulbs are planted in the fall and weather the cold frozen ground only to pop up with such strength, “King Alfred Daffodils” were chosen to represent the resilience our country has during times of difficulty and uncertainty. In 2011, the community came together and planted a bulb for every life lost and participated in a memorial service. Boy and Girl Scouts, 4-H, All of Brookwood School, the Garden Club and Master Gardeners along with the fire and police departments participated in the planting.
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Here is your Brookwood Bulletin. Have a wonderful weekend! Enjoy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zncxTHqoQ3I
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Here is your Mustang Minute from the Principals' offices: https://www.smore.com/e0dq1
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong