Way to wear your Brookwood Blues today, Mustangs. We love it when you show your school spirit!!!
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
(3/20/23Update) 2023-2024 District Calendar: Families
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Here's your Mustang Minute from the Principals' Offices: https://www.smore.com/sd1kw
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Spring break is almost upon us! BMS will be preparing for their well-needed rest at the middle school with dress-up days, mini-courses, and a special assembly on Friday afternoon. See the special flyer as to how to dress next week to get ready to Spring into Break! Monday: Ready to SHINE: Wear sunglasses, floppy hats, or caps Tuesday: Dress to REST day: Wear comfy clothes or PJ's Wednesday: Road Trip Across America: Wear patriotic colors or clothes that represent a special state Thursday: Color your Spring with PASTELS: Wear light pink, purple, blue, green, and/or tye-dye Friday: Aloha to Break: Wear FLORALS or your favorite vacation clothes
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Here’s your Brookwood Bulletin! Have a wonderful Friday, Mustangs! Enjoy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xcf1NTstVpI
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
If you haven't had a chance to check out the middle school's showcases of artwork in the hallways or in the entrance cases----you should!!! Check these out as a sneak peak until you can get in to check them out yourself!! 4th grade Glazed Pinch Pots and 7th & 8th Grade 3D Art Classes: Paper Mache Masks & Foil Figures in Motion. Way to work hard, Mustang Artists!!
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Calling all future Mustangs for our NEW Early Learning Academy! -4K Programming -5K Programming (new enrollments) -3 & 4-year-old Mustang Play Group Genoa City Joint 2 School District is excited to announce new programming that includes all-day 4K Programming for the 2023-2024 school year, in addition to the current 1/2 day morning 4K program. For more information, please call/contact our elementary school: 262-279-6496 / Carey.Denecke@gcj2.k12.wi.us
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Happy Monday, Mustangs! Here is this week's Mustang Morning Show: https://youtu.be/d32CpQtHsok
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Looking for something to wear on Mustang Monday's? Great News, The BFO Spirit Wear Store is open until March 31st. Orders will be distributed to your child's homeroom the week of April 17th. Don't forget to put your child's teacher's name under the "personalization" section at checkout so we know where to deliver. Brookwood BFO Spiritwear Online Store Is Open: https://pfi-fashions.printavo.com/merch/brookwood-bfos-piritwear If you are looking for our Athletic Spirit Wear Store, which is open until March 26th, here is the link: https://pfi-fashions.printavo.com/merch/brookwoodsports
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Calling all future Mustangs for our NEW Early Learning Academy! -4K Programming -5K Programming (new enrollments) -3 & 4-year-old Mustang Play Group Genoa City Joint 2 School District is excited to announce new programming that includes all-day 4K Programming for the 2023-2024 school year, in addition to the current 1/2 day morning 4K program. For more information, please call/contact our elementary school: 262-279-6496 / Carey.Denecke@gcj2.k12.wi.us
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Here is you Brookwood Bulletin! Enjoy! https://youtu.be/X1cnlWER0Hk
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Here's your Mustang Minute from the Principals' Offices: https://www.smore.com/sd1kw
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Community Informational Meeting: How can we save Memorial Park?? Invasive plants are a problem in Wisconsin. Invasive plans are non-native plants behaving badly. Invasive plants such as garlic mustard, honeysuckle, and buckthorn are taking over the park and path near Hunters Ridge. This problem will not fix itself ---we need your help!! Come to this informational meeting to find out how you can help and mark your calendars for the work days on April 19, 26, May 3, and 10. Come to all or some!!
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
The Brookwood PTO will be hosting "Fun Fair" again this year in May! Flyers will be coming home for this event in April. Please click the link below and check out these fun volunteer opportunities for this event: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040e44aea629a7fd0-funfair1#/
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Thank you to the Environmental Education Foundation for choosing Genoa City Schools to receive the Charlotte Peterson Grant. This grant is intended for environmental education of students in elementary and middle school. Mrs. Bobula applied for the grant in December and the award was issued today by Kristin Freytag from the EEF. Brookwood was chosen to receive the funding to purchase materials for a family focused class and volunteer opportunity removing invasive plants around Genoa City. The group will have an orientation and then for 5 weeks work on the path between town and the middle school. Then, with the cooperation of the Village of Genoa City, there will be future projects removing invasive species plants and working at Memorial Park. If you are interested in helping with any of these projects, please contact: Melissa.Bobula@gcj2.k12.wi.us
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Great news to report; last night, both our Boys and Girls Volleyball teams advanced to the last round of the playoffs! The girls will start at 4:00 pm at Williams Bay & the Boys will start at 4:00 pm at Trevor-Wilmot on Thursday. In order to make sure all volleyball participants have enough time to return from the games on Thursday and be able to perform in our Spring Band/Choir Concert, our concert will be pushed back and will now start at 7:15 pm on Thursday, March 16th.
about 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Brookwood Families, please see the following letter from our PTO: Brookwood Family Organization (BFO) : https://tinyurl.com/52mdzzrv
about 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Brookwood's Screen Door Production: Annie the Musical We hope you will be in attendance at one or both nights of our Screen Door Production of Annie the Musical at BMS! We are SO proud of our students and their hard work on not only the acting parts of this production but the works behind the stage and the sets! A free will donation will be taken at the door and there will be light concessions available for purchase at this event. April 27th and 28th at BMS starting at 7pm
about 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Looking for something to wear on Mustang Monday's? Great News, The BFO Spirit Wear Store is open until March 31st. Orders will be distributed to your child's homeroom the week of April 17th. Don't forget to put your child's teacher's name under the "personalization" section at checkout so we know where to deliver. Brookwood BFO Spiritwear Online Store Is Open: https://pfi-fashions.printavo.com/merch/brookwood-bfos-piritwear If you are looking for our Athletic Spirit Wear Store, which is open until March 26th, here is the link: https://pfi-fashions.printavo.com/merch/brookwoodsports
about 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Have a wonderful week Mustangs! Here is your Mustang Morning Show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxFuuS5haoc
about 2 years ago, Helen Xiong