Sharing YOUR Greatness!
We ask our Brookwood families to share with us things our Brookwood students are doing outside of school so we can share in your greatness and how #MustangProud we are of your accomplishments!! If you have something to share....email it to Mrs. Xiong at Helen.Xiong@gcj2.k12.wi.us
Our next sharer of greatness is Jonathan in 1st grade!! Jonathan's Comets football team won the Super Bowl!!! This season he played for the State Line Comets he played defensive inside line backer. It was his 1st year playing tackle football and made 2 solo tackles at the superbowl! Way to #WorkHard and #PlayHard, Jonathan! We are #MustangProud of your accomplishments!

Join in on Penny Wars! Each school is doing their own version so check in with your homeroom teacher on the rules! Monies raised will be used to support the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.

Brookwood Families, due to an unexpected circumstance with PSG, they are unable to present at the scheduled presentation for tomorrow night. Parenting Post-Pandemic: Helping our children learn & grow in a changing world has been cancelled. Once it is rescheduled, we will send fliers home and post on our social media outlets again.

We are SO excited to continue a series called: Sharing YOUR Greatness! But this time we are sharing the greatness of a staff member!!
We ask our Brookwood families to share with us things our Brookwood students are doing outside of school so we can share in your greatness and how #MustangProud we are of your accomplishments!! If you have something to share....email it to Mrs. Xiong at Helen.Xiong@gcj2.k12.wi.us and this goes for our staff members alike!
At the end of October, Mrs. Bullock who teaches K-3rd & 6th grade music, 6th-8th grade choir, Drama, and Personal Finance, attended the Wisconsin Music Educators Conference in Madison. She was one of the presenters for Informal Music Making and Technology in the Classroom. Mrs. Bullock shared things she has created as an educator to enhance her teaching, as well as projects created by students. Recent student-created projects include: a sixth grade project, Red Fish Blue Fish, performed with beats he created himself using BandLab, the chance composition project created by Mrs. Nast's 21/22 third grade class, and William's Winter Nap - which was narrated by the drama class with sound effects added by Mrs. Johnson's second grade using classroom instruments. Conferences provide a great opportunity to network and gain new approaches and ideas to use in the classroom. Mrs. Bullock is already implementing some of the new things she learned! Way to share your greatness, Mrs. Bullock!! We are #MustangProud of you and so thankful you are part of the Brookwood Family!

Surprise!!! It’s Mustang Monday!!! Don’t forget to show your school spirit by wearing Brookwood Blues or your Mustang gear on Monday’s to school. It is randomly decided if it’s a Brookwood Blue or Mustang Monday day and kids will randomly be pulled for what they’re wearing to get a surprise because of their showcase of their school spirit. Here are a few of our prize winners from today’s pull!!

Suckers for Socks!!
Thank you to Something Sweet for collaborating with us on helping us get socks for our Families in Need Program!
Drop off your newly packaged/tagged socks to Something Sweet for a special sweet treat in return!! Donations will be accepted through 12/9.
We are SO thankful for our community partnerships.

Join us Dec 26th-30th at the brightest & most dazzling drive through holiday light show, The Christmas Carnival of Lights!
You'll be supporting The Brookwood Family Organization. Drive through the 2 mile wooded path with over 2 million lights while you listen to your favorite holiday tunes. Then, stop by Santa's Workshop at the end to get a photo with Santa and eat some tasty treats!
Purchase your tickets on the Christmas Carnival of Lights website and use our unique promo code, BFOLIGHTS2. You only need to purchase ONE car pass for up to 8 people! 25% of ticket sales will go back to our organization.
For more information and to purchase tickets, visit the Christmas Carnival of Lights website here: wichristmascarnival.com

Join us November 22nd at the brightest & most dazzling drive through holiday light show, The Christmas Carnival of Lights!
You'll be supporting The Brookwood Family Organization. Drive through the 2 mile wooded path with over 2 million lights while you listen to your favorite holiday tunes. Then, stop by Santa's Workshop at the end to get a photo with Santa and eat some tasty treats!
Purchase your tickets on the Christmas Carnival of Lights website and use our unique promo code, BFOLIGHTS. You only need to purchase ONE car pass for up to 8 people! 25% of ticket sales will go back to our organization.
Can't make the above date? Visit the light show 12/26-12/30 instead and use promo code BFOLIGHTS2
For more information and to purchase tickets, visit the Christmas Carnival of Lights website here: wichristmascarnival.com

The November 10th BMS Girls Basketball Game is HOME. We hope to see you there cheering on our Mustangs!

Genoa City Jt. 2 is partnering with our school-based mental health service partner PSG (Professional Services Group) to a FREE present: Parenting Post-Pandemic: Helping our children learn & grow in a changing world.
5:00-5:30 Light Dinner
5:30-7:30 Presentation
*free childcare is available*

Brynn update!!
Brynn’s bringing home 2 medals!!!!
🥇 33 kg
🥈36 kg
Way to go, Brynn!!! Way to make us Mustang Proud!
We are SO excited to continue a series called: Sharing YOUR Greatness!
We ask our Brookwood families to share with us things our Brookwood students are doing outside of school so we can share in your greatness and how #MustangProud we are of your accomplishments!! If you have something to share....email it to Mrs. Xiong at Helen.Xiong@gcj2.k12.wi.us
Our next sharer of greatness is Brynn who is currently a 7th grader at BMS. Way to make us #MustangProud, Brynn!!
Brynn is currently in Rionegro, Columbia and is wrestling on November 5 for the U.S. U15 Pan American Team at the Pan American Wrestling Championships. She is the lone representative from Wisconsin and is one of 10 girls representing the United States.
Brynn has traveled all over the country to wrestle, this will be her first time wrestling outside the U.S.
Brynn says, “I’m very excited because I have not been out of the states before. I feel appreciated to represent the U.S. at this young age.”
While it will be an experience in and of itself traveling to another country, Brynn still has one thing on her mind and that is to win.
“I want to get my hand raised and to take first place,” she said.
Please help us cheer Brynn on and send her and her family #MustangPride vibes for her big competition tomorrow!!
Way to make us #MustangProud, Brynn!!!

Sorry for the delay, the Smore software was experiencing technical difficulties. Here is your link for this week's Mustang Minute: https://www.smore.com/0nbzm

We are SO excited to continue a series called: Sharing YOUR Greatness!
We ask our Brookwood families to share with us things our Brookwood students are doing outside of school so we can share in your greatness and how #MustangProud we are of your accomplishments!! If you have something to share....email it to Mrs. Xiong at Helen.Xiong@gcj2.k12.wi.us
Our next sharer of greatness is Brynn who is currently a 7th grader at BMS. Way to make us #MustangProud, Brynn!!
Brynn is currently in Rionegro, Columbia and is wrestling on November 5 for the U.S. U15 Pan American Team at the Pan American Wrestling Championships. She is the lone representative from Wisconsin and is one of 10 girls representing the United States.
Brynn has traveled all over the country to wrestle, this will be her first time wrestling outside the U.S.
Brynn says, “I’m very excited because I have not been out of the states before. I feel appreciated to represent the U.S. at this young age.”
While it will be an experience in and of itself traveling to another country, Brynn still has one thing on her mind and that is to win.
“I want to get my hand raised and to take first place,” she said.
Please help us cheer Brynn on and send her and her family #MustangPride vibes for her big competition tomorrow!!
Way to make us #MustangProud, Brynn!!!

We hope you'll be in attendance for our Grandparent's/VIP day on November 22, 2022. This event will be happening in both buildings but we ask that you please fill out the needed forms from your child's classroom teacher before attending. If you have any questions, please feel free to follow up with your child's classroom teacher or either of the school offices.

No School: November 14, 2022

Come in your best roller disco / 70's outfit! Meal combo included with admission: choice of pizza slide & drink or hot dog, chips & drink. Join in on roller skating, games, concessional and a groovy good time! *this is not a drop off event, a parent must be present at all times, no admission without a parent present*
Questions: brookwoodfamily19@gmail.com

The BFO Holiday Shop is coming, and we need your help! The Holiday Shop provides students the opportunity to look through a range of items and buy holiday gifts (for Mom, Dad, siblings, grandparents, and even their pets) “in secret”. Volunteers will help children choose their gifts and work within their budgets. Volunteers will also be assisting in helping children to wrap the gifts and label them. Please click the link below if you are interested in volunteering to help at any time during the Holiday Shop. Thank you!

We need your help to get more families to support the Box Tops program. The more people that participate, the more our school can earn to help get the supplies it needs!
PLUS, you can earn a bonus for our school by inviting your friends, family, and other parents to sign up and participate in Box Tops.
To refer friends to sign up, go to the Invite Friends section of the Box Tops app. (You can get there by tapping on the person icon in the upper-right corner of the app home screen.) You'll get a referral code that you can send to a friend. You'll BOTH earn Bonus Box Tops for our school when they scan their first receipt — that's extra cash that counts towards our Box Tops earnings goal of $1,000 this year.
Thanks for your help!
Email the BFO at brookwoodfamily19@gmail.com with any questions regarding box tops.
For Brookwood schools use referral code WY7S80A1

Phew, October was one busy month! It's hard to believe it has been a week since Fall Fest. We wanted to let you know that everyone has been notified if they won one of the amazing raffle baskets. Thank you all so much for your contributions to these baskets. They are one of the many highlights of the event.
We would also like to take the time to thank Chief Balog for organizing the judges and the prizes for our costume contest as well as the best trunk contest. We are so lucky to partner with the police department on this event.
Huge thank you to the Freund Family for their support of supplying the hayride for this event!!
Furthermore, we were blessed this year to have some amazing trunk participants. We understand it can be pricey to decorate and supply candy, but everyone loves the Trunk or Treat and seeing all of the fabulous creative ideas. Thank you for your efforts! WOW!
Finally, we would like to thank the Village of Genoa City for its continued support. They donate funds for all of the food served during Fall Fest. We are so appreciative of all of the businesses and families that donate raffle items, as well as the families that attend this event! You truly make our Mustang community proud.

Our Families in Need program is designed to help out families in our district who are having difficulty meeting the immediate needs of their children. We are thankful for the Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry for fulfilling food and toys for our families in need within our community.
Though we intend to help as many families as possible, we ask that you follow the following guidelines:
-We are only able to serve children up through 8th grade --which includes infants and toddlers
-We ask that all school aged children that clothing is being requested for must attend either Brookwood Elementary or Middle School
If you would like to sign your child up for this program, please fill out the following form: https://tinyurl.com/ykh42prf
**All personal information that is submitted into the form will be kept confidential**
If you are interested in donating monetarily or adopting a child or family, please fill out this form: https://tinyurl.com/ms3y8eb3
Thank you to our community members for helping us fulfill this need within our community.
If you have any additional questions, please contact: Helen Xiong at Helen.Xiong@gcj2.k12.wi.us