Our Families in Need program is designed to help out families in our district who are having difficulty meeting the immediate needs of their children. We are thankful for the Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry for fulfilling food and toys for our families in need within our community.
Though we intend to help as many families as possible, we ask that you follow the following guidelines:
-We are only able to serve children up through 8th grade --which includes infants and toddlers
-We ask that all school aged children that clothing is being requested for must attend either Brookwood Elementary or Middle School
If you would like to sign your child up for this program, please fill out the following form: https://tinyurl.com/ykh42prf
**All personal information that is submitted into the form will be kept confidential**
If you are interested in donating monetarily or adopting a child or family, please fill out this form: https://tinyurl.com/ms3y8eb3
Thank you to our community members for helping us fulfill this need within our community.
If you have any additional questions, please contact: Helen Xiong at Helen.Xiong@gcj2.k12.wi.us

See you tonight at the BFO meeting!

Here is a special treat just for you from us! A Halloween Scare in Wisconsin by Eric James read by some scary characters! Happy Halloween, Mustangs! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1raYPsxnz6VvJdZ8RHblmYzRvLJT3UGwZ/view?usp=share_link

Thankful for our community partnerships on continuing to make Genoa City News a hit!! Also, thank you to our local businesses for allowing us to leave a few at your establishment! Enjoy!

BFO Food Night at Noodles and Company. November 15th 4-8pm
Online and App orders use code GIVING25 at checkout

Here's your Mustang Minute from the Principals' Offices!
Even though our onsite book fair has ended….our ONLINE book fair is still open through the weekend!!! 25% of all sales online will come back to support our classrooms and school libraries! Find hundreds MORE books online that you didn’t see at the onsite book fair here: https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/brookwoodschools2

There is still time to help our BES Book Fair!! Order online now!! This link will take you directly to Scholastic and give you THOUSANDS of books to choose from and every book you purchase helps to support our school and classroom libraries!!

E.D. Clark will be coming on Tuesday, November 1st for picture re-takes. They will start at 8:00 am at BMS and will head to BES afterwards for all students that need picture re-takes.

BFO Teacher Pumpkin Contest Winners!!!
1st place: Mrs. Himmelspach
2nd place: Mrs. Nast
3rd place: Ms. Skalecki
Thank you to our teachers for participating in the BFO pumpkin decorating contest and for those that donated their pumpkins to the silent auction. Thank you to our BFO for putting together this fun showcase for our families at Fall Fest!!

Fall Book Fair is hosted at BES. On Monday and Tuesday we have a special opening from 3:30-4:00 for families picking students up at dismissal and on Wednesday and Thursday we will be open from 3:30-7:30. See you at the Book Fair!!

Just about one more hour to go!! Spooky story, hayride, inflatables, trunk or treating, games, cookie decorating, crafts, hot dogs, carmel apples, haunted trailers and bus and SO SO SO MUCH MORE!! Thank you to everyone that donated and/or volunteered today!! It’s a great day to be a Mustang!!!

Not only are our staff amazing pumpkin decorators but so are our students!! Make sure you register when you get to the middle school because ——along with your registration, you’ll get a special raffle ticket to vote for the best student pumpkin and that student will get a special gift for most popular vote!!! Which one is your favorite?!

Make sure to take out some extra cash for tomorrow’s Fall Fest from 12-3 for the BFO Silent Auction for our teacher pumpkins!!! Here’s a peek at them and can you guess who made which one?!
**BFO Silent Auction Pumpkins are cash ONLY**

Parent/Teacher Conferences on 26th & 27th
BES 3:30pm-7:30pm
BMS 3:00pm-7:00pm

No School: Oct. 28

Here's your Mustang Minute from the Principals' Offices!
See you at tomorrow’s FALL FEST!! From 12-3 at BMS! It is going to be a falling good time for EVERYONE in the community!!
Registration, Raffle Tickets & Student Pumpkins : Cash and/or Check
BFO Silent Pumpkin Auction: Cash Only

Time is running out to order your Mustang sports apparel! Use the following link to place an order for all sports by Friday, October 28th.

All Genoa City area Veterans are invited to Brookwood Middle School for a Veteran's Day Assembly celebration on Friday, November 11th, beginning at 9:30am.

Showing unity by wearing orange! Unity Day was AMAZING!! Amazing to see so many of our Brookwood Family wear orange to stand up against bullying and unite together for kindness, acceptance and inclusion.

Congrats, Talulah (8th grade)!!! At the school board meeting on Monday, she was presented with a GCJ2 School Board award for her leadership at BMS. Talulah also gave a short presentation to show the Board all the great things her and her leadership group have contributed to BMS to make it great! She did an amazing job! Way to make us Mustang Proud, Talulah!!!