Please join us for a night learning about the risks of social media, options for having safer devices for your children, apps and lingo that are commonly used by students, as well as what you can do to help keep your child safe from what is consumed on social media.
Free childcare will be available at the event. Dinner will also be provided. Please stay tuned for the link to RSVP.
Dinner 5:30-6:00
Presentation 6:00-7:00

Brookwood Families, voting in this upcoming Referendum on April 5th is key in showing your support for our schools and our children in our community. We need your help in helping us keep moving our district into greatness. Voting to support our schools, without a tax impact to you, allows us to continue with smaller class sizes, current and relevant materials for students, and continuing to maintain our facilities. Please help us share this message to your neighbors, your friends, and anyone else that has a vote in our community in not only keeping our district in growing into its greatness but our community as well. Thank you for your continued support. For more information about the referendum, see the following website https://www.genoacityschools.org/page/referendum-2022 or contact Kellie Bohn at Kellie.Bohn@gcj2.k12.wi.us 262-279-1053 Don’t forget about our next Referendum Informational Night on March 22nd at BMS from 7pm-8pm
Here is a message from our 4/5 Educator Sarah Erickson: https://youtu.be/6ZD60l6rrjE

Way to go, Mustangs!!! They’re off to the championships!!!!!

Please see the following Mustang Message from our Superintendent Kellie Bohn with Mrs. Garrett and Mrs. Hoarak : https://youtu.be/XYHp-RcLPZk
Por favor vea lo siguiente Mensaje Mustang en español, con Danica Rodriguez con Mrs. Garrett and Mrs. Hoarak's: https://youtu.be/PnV3bnHq-Bk

The Brookwood Family Organization
School Board Candidate Q & A Session
Wednesday, March 23rd
6 pm – 7 pm
Brookwood Middle School
1020 Hunters Ridge Drive
The Brookwood Family Organization invites you to join them as they host a night with our Genoa City school board member candidates. Voting for school board members will happen on April 5th. Not quite sure who to vote for? Come get to know your candidates and join in on a question-and-answer session. Want to ask a question anonymously? No problem! Please feel free to email the Brookwood Family Organization and we would be happy to ask anonymously for you. Please email questions to brookwoodfamily19@gmail.com. We hope to see you there!

Brookwood Families, voting in this upcoming Referendum on April 5th is key in showing your support for our schools and our children in our community. We need your help in helping us keep moving our district into greatness. Voting to support our schools, without a tax impact to you, allows us to continue with smaller class sizes, current and relevant materials for students, and continuing to maintain our facilities. Please help us share this message to your neighbors, your friends, and anyone else that has a vote in our community in not only keeping our district in growing into its greatness but our community as well. Thank you for your continued support. For more information about the referendum, see the following website https://www.genoacityschools.org/page/referendum-2022 or contact Kellie Bohn at Kellie.Bohn@gcj2.k12.wi.us 262-279-1053
Here is a message from our BMS Physical Education Educator Matt Guth: https://youtu.be/ULFZDZhsXt4

BES FAMILIES!!! Please be aware of the NEW TIMES for Saturday Sports!!
March 19th
4K-K 9:00am-10:00am
1st-3rd 10:00am-11:00am

2022-2023 4K & 5K Registration Info:
Online Registration Available Now:
Join us onsite on March 15th from 5-6:30 at BES
*Bring birth certificate & proof of residency*
Additional Questions:
Call 262-279-6496

The 7th and 8th Grade concert will be Thursday, March 24 at 7 PM in the BMS Cafeteria.
The 7/8 band, jazz band, and choir will perform.

Please join us for our Community Referendum Informational Night at the middle school!
March 15 7pm-8pm
March 22 7pm-8pm
Please also view our Referendum Informational Site: https://www.genoacityschools.org/page/referendum-2022

Mark your calendars, Mustangs!!! Stay tuned for more info soon!

Thank you to our BFO for coordinating meals for our staff on our parent/teacher conference night!! We are truly thankful for your support!! Our parents are the BEST!!

Please see the following Mustang Message from our Superintendent Kellie Bohn: https://youtu.be/JjEkhE7u2XM
Mensaje Mustang en español: https://tinyurl.com/53cykayk

The Brookwood Family Organization is in search of raffle basket prizes for Family Bingo Night. If you have a raffle basket or an item you’d be willing to donate, please email the BFO at brookwoodfamily19@gmail.com. Bingo night is scheduled for Friday, April 8th from 6pm - 8pm at the middle school. Keep an eye out for a flyer coming home soon!

Come learn about the one to one devices at Brookwood!

Eat in or order out from La Cocina in Genoa City on March 10th from 4pm-8pm. Mention Brookwood and 10% of your order will go back to the BFO!

Special Announcement!!! Come by our middle school book fair today from 3:30pm-8pm to get your FREE Brookwood Window Cling!! These window clings are high quality permanent clings made to stay on year round…cling them onto your window on your car, home, camper….anywhere you can help us showcase the greatness of Brookwood!!!

Can't make it to our onsite book fair? Make a purchase online and our schools will get 25% back from your online purchase!!
Thank you for your continued support in our schools!!

Brookwood Families
We are excited to have Seal-A-Smile back this year. Seal-A-Smile is a school-based oral health service that provides dental screenings, fluoride treatments, and dental sealants. All students in all grades can participate in this FREE service. Seal-A-Smile will start seeing students on March 11th. Please sign up using the QR code or at https://sealasmile.wisconsin.gov/Consent/Home/About. If you have any questions, please contact me at school.
English Flier: https://tinyurl.com/yckzanp8
Spanish Flier: https://tinyurl.com/2p8wept3
Thank you,
Heather Hoerth RN, BSN
School Nurse