Genoa City Community, thank you for your continued support in our schools. We hope that you show your support by going out to vote today! https://youtu.be/4RTTka-Bnk0
For more information about the GCJ2 operational referendum or to find out where your local polling location is, please go here: https://www.genoacityschools.org/page/referendum-2022

Tomorrow is the day!! Support public education! VOTE! Here is a message from one of our middle school educators Justine Cottrell: https://youtu.be/U54Yn-yvO0E

2022 GCJ2 Summer Learning Booklet. These booklets will be going home with students this week. Be on the lookout for them!!
If you don't receive one, please contact either of our front offices to get one sent home with your child.
BMS: 262-279-1053
BES: 262-279-6496

We are SO excited to start a new series called: Sharing YOUR Greatness!
We ask our Brookwood families to share with us things our Brookwood students are doing outside of school so we can share in your greatness and how #MustangProud we are of your accomplishments!! If you have something to share....email it to Mrs. Xiong at Helen.Xiong@gcj2.k12.wi.us
Our first sharer of greatness is Marlee who is a 5th grader at BMS. Way to make us #MustangProud, Marlee!!
Marlee Houtakker recently became the State Champion for the 11 year old girls 500 Yard Freestyle event at the Wisconsin YMCA State Swim Championship. In addition to her 1st place finish, she also finished 2nd place in the 200 Freestyle, 3rd place in the 100 Backstroke, 4th place in the 100 Freestyle, and 7th place in the 200 Individual Medley.
Here are some fun facts about Marlee.
How long have you been swimming?
-5 years. I started in swimming lessons and then joined the swim team. I’m currently on the Mallards Level for the YMCA swim team, which is the highest level.
What are your favorite swim strokes?
-I like freestyle and backstroke the best, especially longer distance events.
Who is your favorite swimmer?
-Katie Ledecky.
What do you like about swimming?
-It’s fun, and it keeps me healthy.
What is your favorite pre-race food?
-Pasta noodles with red sauce.
What do you do to get ready for your races?
-I listen to my Power Playlist with music from The Score, Oh The Larceny, & Future Royalty.
What is your favorite pre-race song?
-“Going For Greatness” by Future Royalty.
What is another goal that you have for yourself?
-To make a cut time for USA Swimming Regional Zones Championships and to represent Team Wisconsin in the 500 Freestyle or 200 Freestyle. Last year, I qualified for the 200 Freestyle for 10 and under, and I am getting close to the time requirements for the 12 and under team.
Please help join in on the comments in helping us congratulate Marlee in her Greatness!!

Please see the following Mustang Message from our Superintendent Kellie Bohn: https://youtu.be/NqgeAIbwhto
Por favor vea lo siguiente Mensaje Mustang en español, con Danica Rodriguez: https://youtu.be/bC6nt5ze69A
Here is a message from Lynn Renn, one of our Kindergarten Educators, about our upcoming Operational Referendum: https://youtu.be/tT0_av2h8Z4

It’s almost Bin-Glow night! Bingo is this Friday, April 8th from 6pm-8pm at Brookwood Middle School. The BFO is in need of volunteers for the night. Please consider signing up to volunteer if you’re able to. Also, if you haven’t already turned in your Bingo form please do so as soon as possible. The BFO has extended the due date to Wednesday, April 6th.

Brookwood Families, voting in this upcoming Referendum on April 5th is key in showing your support for our schools and our children in our community. We need your help in helping us keep moving our district into greatness. Voting to support our schools, without a tax impact to you, allows us to continue with smaller class sizes, current and relevant materials for students, and continuing to maintain our facilities. Please help us share this message to your neighbors, your friends, and anyone else that has a vote in our community in not only keeping our district in growing into its greatness but our community as well. Thank you for your continued support. For more information about the referendum, see the following website https://www.genoacityschools.org/page/referendum-2022 or contact Kellie Bohn at Kellie.Bohn@gcj2.k12.wi.us 262-279-1053
Here is a message from our BMS Principal Tori Franz https://youtu.be/oK09dKCArEI

Brookwood Families, voting in this upcoming Referendum on April 5th is key in showing your support for our schools and our children in our community. We need your help in helping us keep moving our district into greatness. Voting to support our schools, without a tax impact to you, allows us to continue with smaller class sizes, current and relevant materials for students, and continuing to maintain our facilities. Please help us share this message to your neighbors, your friends, and anyone else that has a vote in our community in not only keeping our district in growing into its greatness but our community as well. Thank you for your continued support. For more information about the referendum, see the following website https://www.genoacityschools.org/page/referendum-2022 or contact Kellie Bohn at Kellie.Bohn@gcj2.k12.wi.us 262-279-1053
Here is a message from our Director of Pupil Services Julia Garczynski https://youtu.be/8ovypY-wFmc

Here is your Mustang Minute from our principals: https://www.smore.com/2gbh6 Have a great spring break, Mustangs!

On Saturday, March 5th, several Brookwood Middle School music students participated in the Wisconsin School Music Association district solo ensemble contest. Students prepared a solo and performed in front of a judge for feedback. This is the first year that the contest was offered in person since Covid. Four students participated in class C solos: Ryder Derickson on the drum set, Peyton Kolnick on the bells, and performing alto solos were Talulah Nast and Analia Flores. Myles Derickson performed a class A guitar solo and will advance to the state solo ensemble contest to be held in April. Congratulations to these students!

Check this out! Students in 8th grade science learned about taxonomy and classification. They classify the butterflies based on specific physical traits and identify which species they are using a dichotomous key.

Keep an eye out for Bin-Glow Night flyers to be coming home soon!. Not only does the Brookwood Family Organization have some AWESOME prizes for Bingo winners but, thanks to some amazing local businesses, they also have some pretty great raffle baskets you can try and win! Here is a sneak peak at some of the businesses that have donated items being used in these baskets. We hope to see you there!

The Fitness Center will be closed from March 27th to April 3rd and will resume regular hours on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays beginning on April 5th.
There will be no Zumba or Yoga classes during Spring Break. Regular classes will resume on April 4th.
The last day for Guth's Games is Thursday, March 24th.

The Genoa City Jt. 2 School District is seeking the hire of a District Administrator (Superintendent) on July 1st, 2022 and would like the feedback of our Brookwood Families and community members in regards to what you are looking for in our next District Administrator. The GCJ2 School Board is committed and dedicated to hearing from our staff, families, and community members on moving our Brookwood Schools forward and continuing to Grow our District into Greatness. Brookwood Families and community members have the opportunity to give feedback onsite or via an online survey. March 24th from 6:15pm-7:15pm, there will be a community focus group held in our Multi-Purpose Room at BES for you to attend onsite. If you are unable to attend this onsite meeting, there will be a link to an online survey that you can give feedback to to support this focus group. Please watch our website and social media pages for that direct link. Thank you for your continued support in our District. if you have additional questions, please contact Lisa Thompson at Lisa.Thompson@gcj2.k12.wi.us
Please see the following information about the upcoming Community Focus Group to give your input in our search for our next District Administrator: https://tinyurl.com/tyhaz2t6 If you are unable to attend in person, there is a community survey that you can fill out at your convenience to give your input as well: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Genoa2022Comm

Brookwood Families, voting in this upcoming Referendum on April 5th is key in showing your support for our schools and our children in our community. We need your help in helping us keep moving our district into greatness. Voting to support our schools, without a tax impact to you, allows us to continue with smaller class sizes, current and relevant materials for students, and continuing to maintain our facilities. Please help us share this message to your neighbors, your friends, and anyone else that has a vote in our community in not only keeping our district in growing into its greatness but our community as well. Thank you for your continued support. For more information about the referendum, see the following website https://www.genoacityschools.org/page/referendum-2022 or contact Kellie Bohn at Kellie.Bohn@gcj2.k12.wi.us 262-279-1053 Don’t forget about our next Referendum Informational Night on (TONIGHT) March 22nd at BMS from 7pm-8pm
Here is a message from our Elementary School Principal Luke Braden: https://youtu.be/ty0UgTYNb1g

Please see the following information about the upcoming Community Focus Group to give your input in our search for our next District Administrator: https://tinyurl.com/tyhaz2t6 If you are unable to attend in person, here is a community survey link that you can fill out to give your input as well: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Genoa2022Comm

Here is your Mustang Minute from our Principals' Offices: https://www.smore.com/e350r
Have a great weekend, Mustangs.

Mustangs! We are so proud of all of your hard work this past month with reading with us Reading Across America and celebrating authors and reading throughout the month. Dress-up days start next week and we’re excited to announce to you as a Mustang Monday prize to each of our students…a new Brookwood shirt for you all to sport on Mustang Monday! Because Mustangs Love Reading!! We can’t wait to see you all wearing your Brookwood blues and supporting our schools on Monday!!

Brookwood Families and Genoa City Community Members, please see the following press release from the Genoa City Joint 2 School District: https://tinyurl.com/57dhbhnn

Good luck, Mustangs!!!! Rock it tonight on the court tonight. Way to make us, Mustang Proud.