Happy Bus Driver Apprecaition Week! WE have the best ones around.
about 3 years ago, Helen Xiong
Come and learn about the April 5th Referendum while enjoying lunch on March 4th at BMS from 11:30am-1:00pm. Please fill out the following information if you are interested in partaking in the Community Luncheon. This will help us to ensure we have enough food. Thank you for your continued support in our schools. https://tinyurl.com/2p8r4nr4
about 3 years ago, Helen Xiong
No School - March 4
about 3 years ago, Helen Xiong
BMS PARENTS!! Please make sure to remind your BMS student to check their email for information in regards to the Willy Wonka Screendoor Production!! If your child(ren) are interested in auditioning or joining the cast in any way…fill out that form and/or contact MaryEllen Kanthack Maryellen.Kanthack@gcj2.k12.wi.us There is an informational meeting tomorrow at 2:45 as well.
about 3 years ago, Helen Xiong
5 more days to get your spirit wear orders in!!! Late orders will not be accepted! What are you and your family ordering?! https://pfi-fashions.printavo.com/merch/brookwoodspring2022/
about 3 years ago, Helen Xiong
Please see the following Mustang Message from our Superintendent Kellie Bohn: https://youtu.be/Wj_joH_4L5U Community Luncheon Form: https://tinyurl.com/2p8r4nr4 Contact: Kellie.Bohn@gcj2.k12.wi.us / 262-279-1053 Por favor vea lo siguiente Mensaje Mustang en español, con Danica Rodriguez: https://youtu.be/D45LJXGfzcI Community Luncheon Form: https://tinyurl.com/2p8r4nr4 Contact: Kellie.Bohn@gcj2.k12.wi.us / 262-279-1053
about 3 years ago, Helen Xiong
Don’t forget about FREE Yoga tomorrow at BES at 6pm in the Multi-Purpose room!! See you then!!
about 3 years ago, Helen Xiong
Here is your Mustang Minute from your Principals' Offices: https://www.smore.com/k0hay
about 3 years ago, Helen Xiong
As part of the GCJ2 Random Act of Kindness Week, students at the elementary school are hosting a donation drive for the Lakeland Animal Shelter. Students from Kindergarten-3rd grade helped put together a video about their mission to show kindness to animals who are homeless. Please help by donating your items and dropping them off at our elementary or middle school. https://youtu.be/tXH-vhi_Kco Collecting donations NOW until Feb 21, 2022
about 3 years ago, Helen Xiong
If you haven’t stopped by our BMS Art Hallway you MUST to see these Cardboard Portraits in person…the pictures do not do justice.
about 3 years ago, Helen Xiong
The school district started a new program just before the holidays called Neighbor to Neighbor. The purpose of the program is to connect family volunteers with others within their neighborhood who may be in need of assistance with snow removal, light household tasks, or local errands. Families who are interested in volunteering can sign up with the school district by contacting Lisa Thompson at 262-279-1053 or emailing her at lisa.thompson@gcj2.k12.wi.us. The district is working on collecting volunteers, and then will be reaching out to the community to find residents who are in need of assistance. If you are in need of assistance, please reach out to Lisa Thompson as well at 262-279-1053 or emailing her at lisa.thompson@gcj2.k12.wi.us.
about 3 years ago, Helen Xiong
BFO's Spirit Wear Store is OPEN! Store closes on Feb 20th! Get your orders in today! https://pfi-fashions.printavo.com/merch/brookwoodspring2022/
about 3 years ago, Helen Xiong
Make Kindness the Norm! How can kids change the world? By performing one random act of kindness at a time! Students and staff at Brookwood Schools will be celebrating Random Act of Kindness Day on Thursday, February 17th- wear your coziest clothes today! BMS: Thursday, February 17th: Kindness warms our hearts - wear your coziest attire today! Kindness Challenge: Good Deeds (opening the door for someone, picking up something that someone dropped, help with carrying things…) BES: Monday February 14th - Friday February 18th Lakeland Animal Shelter Donation Drive through Feb 21st Classroom Kindness Challenge: Throw Kindness around like confetti - Which classroom will complete 100 random acts of kindness first? Daily kindness stories/video clips/dance/songs Thursday, February 17th - Wear your coziest attire today!
about 3 years ago, Helen Xiong
Join us at TraXside Skating for tons of fun!! The $7 admission price includes a food combo! Traxside also is offering a special bonus of 50 tokens for $10 and free skate rental with the $7 admission!!
about 3 years ago, Helen Xiong
No School : February 21
about 3 years ago, Helen Xiong
Mrs. Garrett will be offering an After School Art Club for grades 6-8th on THURSDAYS in FEBRUARY. In order to attend, you MUST sign up by the art room. The classes are limited to 15 students.
about 3 years ago, Helen Xiong
For more information regarding online registration please call 262-279-6496 or by emailing Jayme.Wisneski@gcj2.k12.wi.us Please bring the following to registration night at BES -birth certificate -proof of residency
about 3 years ago, Helen Xiong
400 muffins later!! We hope everyone loved the muffins as much as we did. Thanks to Lorelei Bittner's Bakery and Dunkin' Lake Geneva, WI for being a part of our Mustang Muffin event!! Thanks BFO for all your work in making this a success. Thanks to Ms. Mohr, Ms. Nancy, and the Leadership students on helping us as well!! Our Brookwood Family is the best.
about 3 years ago, Helen Xiong
Happy 100th Day of School, Mustangs!! We hope you've enjoyed the last 100 days of school as much as we have!!
about 3 years ago, Helen Xiong
Please see the following Mustang Message from our Superintendent Kellie Bohn: https://youtu.be/PudWwtz3qGM Mensaje Mustang en español, con Danica Rodriguez: https://tinyurl.com/3arub3sx
about 3 years ago, Helen Xiong