We loved seeing everyone's beautiful smiles today for picture day!! Ed Clark is going to keep the online ordering window open until Thursday, September 17. Here is the link to the site: http://edclarkschoolphoto.com/school/ In addition, we will have a photo re-take day. It will likely be mid-October. It will be posted on the school website once it's confirmed.
over 4 years ago, Helen Xiong
Mustangs! Our Brookwood Family Organization is organized by family members where their child(ren) attend our Brookwood Schools and we are SO excited to announce our first event---a Sprit Week Food Fundraiser: Spirit Food Week! We hope that you and your family are able to eat out or order take out to enjoy from these local eateries during the week of September 21st. Many of these locations are giving back up to 15% of the proceeds of what they make back to our BFO. Our BFO uses money like this to support our students and teachers in various ways throughout the school year. Stay tuned for more information to follow in regards to our Spirit Food Week! Our first meeting will be on October 6th at 6:00 pm at BES. And it is open to YOU! As long as you have a child enrolled with either one of our schools. We will be holding the meeting outside around the entrance/playground area at BES. For those of you that cannot attend face to face---we will also have a virtual option. Stay tuned for more details but get these things marked on your calendar: BFO Sprit Food Week on the week of September 21st and also our first BFO meeting on October 6th at 6:00 pm at BES. If you have any questions, please email Brookwoodfamily19@gmail.com Because of YOU we are able to keep our BFO moving forward in supporting our students and staff. Thank you!!
over 4 years ago, Helen Xiong
Way to go, Mustangs!!! It’s been great seeing all of you on site and virtually! Thank you for all of your hard work!! Don’t forget that tomorrow is picture day! If you are in need of another form, contact your child’s teacher! #BeBrookwood #BrookwoodsBest
over 4 years ago, Helen Xiong
Mustang Families, Make sure your child has something to read...with the library checkout system in place this year....it’s easy! Your child was sent an email last week called “Library Book Checkout” with a link to a Google form. Please have your children use this to fill out any requests for books they might have, whether they are onsite, blended, or virtual. (They can “star” the email so it is easy to find!) Virtual students: Curbside pickup begins this week for your library materials! As long as you placed your hold by noon the day before the scheduled pickup, your materials will be ready for pick up that week. BMS curbside pickup - Wednesdays from 1:30-3:30 at the middle school main entrance (Call 262-279-1053 upon arrival and let them know you are here for curbside pickup and your child’s name. Your books will be brought out to you.) BES curbside pickup - Thursdays from 1:00-3:00 at the elementary main entrance (Call 262-279-6496 upon arrival and let them know you are here for curbside pickup and your child’s name. Your books will be brought out to you.) Virtual students returning books should follow the same process as curbside pickup. Onsite and blended students will have a bin located in their grade level wing/area where they can return books. We are still trying to round up books that were checked out last school year but not yet returned. Please help us locate these books so other students may check them out! If you have any questions, please reach out to our library media specialist: Jacki Bolwerk // jacki.bolwerk@gcj2.k12.wi.us Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Helen Xiong
The Brookwood Cross-Country season has gone virtual and this year it is open to ALL students 4k-8th Grade!!! Since this is a virtual season, all Brookwood students (4k-8) and their families are invited to participate! Check it out here: https://youtu.be/-09QGcd3324 If you would like to be a part of our cross-country team, sign up by entering your email below. We will be having 4 challenges over the course of 4 weeks. If you complete all 4 challenges, you will earn a free Brookwood Cross-Country t-shirt! https://tinyurl.com/y6hjngr4 Questions? Contact matt.guth@gcj2.k12.wi.us or haley.peters@gcj2.k12.wi.us
over 4 years ago, Helen Xiong
Mustangs, Thank YOU for your patience. We want to ensure that we are keeping our students safe while using our District issued technology. Securly has reached out to us and has given us the all clear! We are sorry for this hiccup this morning. Here is a reminder about our filtering system put in place for our District issued devices. https://youtu.be/TT0q5H-PNyU If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to your child’s teacher.
over 4 years ago, Helen Xiong
Mustangs! Securly is reporting outages with their filter system which has caused our devices to be very slow with accessing any tools needing internet access for both onsite and virtual students. We love that Securly keeps our students safe and we are thankful that they have slowed access due to this outage. We will keep you updated once it is cleared. Thank you SO much for your patience.
over 4 years ago, Helen Xiong
Picture day is right around the corner! You are now able to pre-order your child's photo by clicking on the link below. http://edclarkschoolphoto.com/school/ As a special BONUS to you.. if you pre-order online BEFORE picture day, you will receive FREE personalization. (Just make sure that you select it when ordering.) BMS pictures are from 8am-10am BES pictures are from 8:30-10:30am *Any Virtual students (4K-8) can come to the Middle School to get their pictures taken from 10-10:30. El día de la toma fotográfica de su niño se aproxima rápidamente. Ahora usted puede ordenar su foto con anticipación. OFERTA: Si ordena su foto PREVIO al día programado de la toma fotográfica usted recibirá una oferta especial: Personalización GRATIS! (Asegúrese en seleccionar esta opción al hacer su orden)
over 4 years ago, Helen Xiong
Mustangs! What a great first week! Thank YOU for everything. Please view the following video message from our Superintendent Kellie Bohn. https://youtu.be/BJMewMja3YM #BeBrookwood #BrookwoodsBest
over 4 years ago, Helen Xiong
The Lake Geneva Food Service, which services our breakfast and lunch programs, has received an extension for the Federal Summer Food Service Program. Starting tomorrow, September 3rd the students of Genoa City Joint 2 School District will be provided with their breakfast and lunch meals FREE of charge to ALL students. We encourage each student to take advantage of our nutritious meals at no cost. This will require no action on your part, just show up! New virtual students that would like to pick-up meals please contact Donna Ecklund at 262-348-1015. If your family has already paid toward your lunch balance we ask that you please leave the balance for future use. Thank you.
over 4 years ago, Helen Xiong
Mustang Families, We are SO excited to share with you information in regards to our library check out system at both schools. Check out this message from our Library Media Specialist Jacki Bolwerk: https://tinyurl.com/y4o6m888
over 4 years ago, Helen Xiong
See you tomorrow, Mustangs!! Reminder on the information in regards to our start and dismissal procedures at each building. BES: https://youtu.be/vdHu48-r15I Doors open: 8:20 am (no early drop-offs) School hours 8:30 am -3:30 pm 4K am dismissal: 11:10 am 4K pm drop off: 12:50 pm BMS: https://youtu.be/n31bXYPdWJg Doors open: 7:30 am (no early drop-offs) School hours: 7:40 am - 2:40 pm Don't forget to bring a refillable water bottle that is labeled, your labeled school supplies, and your mask(s)! Here is some information that Mrs. Hoerth sent out today as well: https://tinyurl.com/y5mwqny3 We can't wait to continue to help you grow into your greatness this year! Thank you for your continued support and dedication towards our school district. #BeBrookwood #BrookwoodsBest
over 4 years ago, Helen Xiong
Parents, We are asking you to check your child for COVID-19 symptoms every morning before sending them to school. COVID-19 symptoms are: Cough Fever Shortness of Breath or Difficulty Breathing Chills New Loss of Taste or Smell Headache Muscle or Body Aches Fatigue Congestion or Runny Nose Sore throat Nausea or Vomiting Diarrhea Please do not send your child to school sick. I have attached a flyer to help you decide if your child should stay home or they are healthy enough to come to school. Please contact me if you have any questions 262-279-1053 or heather.hoerth@gcj2.k12.wi.us. https://tinyurl.com/y5mwqny3 Stay Safe and Healthy Brookwood, Heather Hoerth RN, BSN School Nurse
over 4 years ago, Helen Xiong
Genoa City Joint 2 School District is proud of our community members and the continuous support that we have around us. We are excited to announce our GCJ2 Community ESL Support Group. We are excited to work with our community members in supporting one another. If you are interested in helping us support our community with various language support, please feel free to contact Kellie Bohn at Kellie.Bohn@gcj2.k12.wi.us or Helen Xiong at Helen.Xiong@gcj2.k12.wi.us Within this album on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=GenoaCitySchools&set=a.732719790621544 , we are excited for you to meet some of our community members who would like to lend a helping hand to those that are in need of ESL support. Please feel free to contact them directly, as they are volunteering their time to help those around us. Here at GCJ2, we are truly thankful for your continued support --- not only towards our District but towards our community as well. To view more information in regards to this program, please go here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=GenoaCitySchools&set=a.732719790621544
over 4 years ago, Helen Xiong
Don’t forget to bring a refillable water bottle to school on Tuesday!! It’s also great practice to have it labeled for your child as well. Our walk up water fountains will only allow for water bottles to be filled at this time. #BeBrookwood #BrookwoodsBest
over 4 years ago, Helen Xiong
We hope you are able to take the time to meet our newest staff to our District! Check out their features here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set?vanity=GenoaCitySchools&set=a.727814587778731 #BeBrookwood #BrookwoodsBest
over 4 years ago, Helen Xiong
SafeSchools Alert is our District's tip reporting service. If you have information about a threat to our safety, do your part and report it! And remember, you can stay anonymous. Please see the attached image for more information. #BeBrookwood #BrookwoodsBest
over 4 years ago, Helen Xiong
Are you still looking for before and/or after school care....or even wrap around care? Champions is located on-site at the elementary school and still has openings for this upcoming school year. To learn more about it, they have set up some virtual meetings! Check it out here: 3K Champions Virtual Open House Monday, August 31 3pm – 3:45pm Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/94670201039?pwd=VjRzNHJRTnQ1TDdnb1lucjdxemdRQT09 Meeting ID: 946 7020 1039 Passcode: 7NCPfv Before & After Care + 4K Wrap Champions Virtual Open House Monday August 31 5pm – 5:45pm Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/95055587436?pwd=M2wrZlI3TnpSbytNSkRpRWdSSk00dz09 Meeting ID: 950 5558 7436 Passcode: 1fg6Ur or feel free to contact: Nicole Rosselli Champions Area Manager – Antioch, Beach Park, Genoa City KinderCare Education, LLC. Email: Nicole.Rosselli@discoverchampions.com Direct: (224)480-7882 www.discoverchampions.com
over 4 years ago, Helen Xiong
Mustang Families, we have quite a bit of technology headed into homes in various fashions in a few days. We wanted to let you know about our web content filtering tool called Securely that our District has on all our District issued devices. Here are some helpful tips on how to ensure our filtering tool is active while our devices are away from our school locations. We are thankful to be able to offer one to one devices to all of our 4k-8th graders at this time. Thank you for your continuous support in our District! https://youtu.be/TT0q5H-PNyU If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to your child’s teacher or our Director of Digital Expansion: Helen Xiong // Helen.Xiong@gcj2.k12.wi.us
over 4 years ago, Helen Xiong
See you on September 1st, Mustangs! Here is some additional information in regards to our start and dismissal procedures at each building. BES: https://youtu.be/vdHu48-r15I Doors open: 8:20 am (no early drop offs) School hours 8:30 am -3:30 pm 4K am dismissal: 11:10 am 4K pm drop off: 12:50 pm BMS: https://youtu.be/n31bXYPdWJg Doors open: 7:30 am (no early drop offs) School hours: 7:40 am - 2:40 pm If you have any additional questions, please contact your child's respective school: BES 262-2796496 // BMS 262-279-1053
over 4 years ago, Helen Xiong