Your child's school picture day at: Brookwood Elementary & Middle School will be August 29th from 4pm-7pm Please use the link below to pre-order your portraits: Picture Ordering will close at 10pm on picture day. If you are having issues with the link copy and paste this into your browser:
over 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
BMS School Supply List
over 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
The August 21st GCJ2 School Board Meeting has been rescheduled to August 28th. Location and time will be the same. Brookwood Middle School 6:00pm-8:00pm If you have any questions, please contact Superintendent Drew Halbesma:
over 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
Internet & Phone Outage at both buildings today, 8/8/23 (Tuesday) from 1pm-3pm. If you are in need of assistance, please email our Administrative Assistants who will have internet access to email: BES Carey Denecke BMS Amanda Springer Or call our emergency phone lines that are monitored during regular business hours when our main phone lines are down: BES 262-949-3491 BMS 262-949-1806 If you call or email after hours, those outlets will be checked tomorrow morning. Thank you again for your understanding and support.
over 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
We were just notified that AT&T can no longer make this afternoon's appointment with us and will need to reschedule. We will post again once a new date and time are set because the update will cause our phone and internet to be down at both buildings. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
over 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
Times have changed due to AT&T technicians -- phone lines and internet will be down in BOTH buildings TODAY from 2pm-4pm. If you are in need of assistance, please email our Administrative Assistants who will have internet access to email: BES Carey Denecke BMS Amanda Springer Or call our emergency phone lines that are monitored during regular business hours when our main phone lines are down: BES 262-949-3491 BMS 262-949-1806 If you call or email after hours, those outlets will be checked tomorrow morning. Thank you for your understanding and patience. We will update on our social media outlets once our systems are restored.
over 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
Both schools will be hosting a Back to School Night on August 29, from 4-7pm @ BES and BMS. Teachers will be busy with inservice and preparing their classrooms for our guests. Doors will not open until 4:00pm and families will not be able to enter the building until this time. At this time, you and your student will be able to: ● get his/her picture taken (note: Picture Retake day is 10/2 during the school day) ● meet the teachers and get acquainted with the classroom and school ● drop off school supplies ● receive bus stop locations and times ● put funds in your student’s food service (breakfast, lunch, and milk) account / fill out the Free and Reduced Meal applications ● get your cubby or locker assignment and (Semester I schedule-BMS students only)
over 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
Registration is mandatory for ALL students at both schools. Parents can choose if they register their child online or onsite. August 1st-20th: Online Registration August 22nd 11am-7pm at BMS: Onsite Registration for BOTH schools (if you register online, there is no need to attend onsite registration) +parents, please see check your email for additional information on how to register*
over 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
Brookwood Parents: Please check your email for information regarding the upcoming school year. If you did not get an email, please contact either building secretary to ensure your email is updated in our database. BES: BMS:
over 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
Share Your Greatness!! We ask our Brookwood families to share with us things our Brookwood students are doing outside of school so we can share in your greatness and how #MustangProud we are of your excitement!! If you have something to it to Mrs. Xiong at Our next sharers of greatness are Declan & Deacon!! They recently explored Indiana and are so excited to share about their trip to our Brookwood Family!! They started with the Indianapolis Children's Museum, where they learned a lot, especially about their favorite dinosaurs. While at the museum they were able to see the Minecraft exhibit as well as the traveling Dinosaur Train exhibit. The boys tried being astronauts and explored how astronauts live and work while in outer space. They also enjoyed a day at the Indianapolis Zoo where they were able to pet sharks and stingrays as well as getting up close to kangaroos. Declan and Deacon were able to hear the noise a flamingo makes, which they found both interesting and funny. The sea lions were extra playful, which was very fun to watch from the underground exhibit. They also experienced the desert heat and learned about all the animals and plants that thrive in desert conditions, by the time they were done -- the cool breeze felt great once they stepped outside the exhibit. Before heading back home to Wisconsin, they enjoyed the day at the Indiana Dunes National Park, where they climbed the giant sand hills, played in the sand, and put their feet in the cold water of Lake Michigan and collected some very interesting rocks. There were many large holes already dug by past patrons of the beach, those were very fun to jump in. What are you and your family doing this summer!? Share with our Brookwood Family things you are doing so that we can share in your adventures! Thank you, Declan & Deacon, for sharing with us your adventures!!! We loved learning about fun things to do in Indiana!
over 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
BMS and BES Offices will be closed from July 3rd-7th and will reopen for regular summer hours on July 10th. If you have questions or need of assistance while we are out of the office, please feel free to email either administrative assistant and they will reply to you during our regular summer hours or leave a voicemail at either office number listed below. BES: / 262-279-6496 BMS: / 262-279-1053
over 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
Repost: Please enjoy the edited / final class video for the graduated 8th grade class of 2023: It is crazy to think they are now alumni!! Once a Mustang--forever a Mustang! Did you know that we have a Brookwood Alumni Outreach Program? It is a great place to get information about what is happening at Brookwood and how to stay connected sign up today to be a part of this if you are a Brookwood Alumni! Being a Brookwood Alumni is an aspect of being a Mustang that will forever bond you to the Brookwood Family. We ask that all of our Brookwood Alumni fill out the following form to be included in special emails throughout the school year that will include school and community events and special messages for our alumni from the Genoa City Joint 2 School District. We are excited that you are interested in being a part of our Alumni Outreach Program and if you have additional questions about it, please reach out to Helen Xiong at Sign up today:
over 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
Did YOU get Booked by Brookwood yes?! We have some more to drop off so email Mrs. Xiong if you'd like to get Booked by Brookwood: Our GCJ2 Family Engagement Team is SO excited to share with you our Brookwood Book Bags where our team has filled these special bags with books for YOU. These bags will be dropped off at random Brookwood Family houses and we ask that you and your family pick a book or two to keep to engage in literacy with your child at home. Then in the bag you will find an envelope with window clings in it. Post a window cling on a front window signifying that you've been Brookwood Booked and then pass the bag and clings onto another Brookwood Family's house!! If you aren't sure of a house to drop it off at ---bring it back to either the elementary or middle school and we will get the bag to its next location! If you are the last one to get the bag with a book or two in get a bonus! Keep the bag for yourself!! Thank you for supporting the Family Engagement Team's goal with building relationships and strengthening our connection between the schools and you families to help increase student achievement. If you have questions, please feel free to contact anyone on our Family Engagement Team! Don't forget to ONLY drop off to houses of families that you know and that are a part of the Brookwood Family. If you are uncomfortable dropping bags off, please have your child bring it back to the schools and we will do the next delivery. Lastly, please don't forget to put a window cling up to signify you do not need another bag nor want a bag. Check out this video for more information: Have pictures you’d like to share with your books? Email them to:
over 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
Congratulations to Brookwood Greenthumbs who overhauled the garden with a new layout, planted squash, tomatoes, flower seeds and put together the new raised beds last week during Summer School. They walked away feeling very proud of their contribution to their community! Thank you to Mr. Erickson for all the tilling and support! Now our community gardeners take over to see it come to full fruition. If you are interested in helping and having access to fresh garden produce, please contact Mrs. Kanthack
over 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
Did YOU get Booked by Brookwood yet?! If not, keep watching your front porch!!! And once you do, don’t forget to get those window clings up!! We hope you get Brookwood Booked! Our GCJ2 Family Engagement Team is SO excited to share with you our Brookwood Book Bags where our team has filled these special bags with books for YOU. These bags will be dropped off at random Brookwood Family houses and we ask that you and your family pick a book or two to keep to engage in literacy with your child at home. Then in the bag you will find an envelope with window clings in it. Post a window cling on a front window signifying that you've been Brookwood Booked and then pass the bag and clings onto another Brookwood Family's house!! If you aren't sure of a house to drop it off at ---bring it back to either the elementary or middle school and we will get the bag to its next location! If you are the last one to get the bag with a book or two in get a bonus! Keep the bag for yourself!! Thank you for supporting the Family Engagement Team's goal with building relationships and strengthening our connection between the schools and you families to help increase student achievement. If you have questions, please feel free to contact anyone on our Family Engagement Team! Don't forget to ONLY drop off to houses of families that you know and that are a part of the Brookwood Family. If you are uncomfortable dropping bags off, please have your child bring it back to the schools and we will do the next delivery. Lastly, please don't forget to put a window cling up to signify you do not need another bag nor want a bag. Check out this video for more information: Have pictures you’d like to share with your books? Email them to:
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Summer office hours for BOTH buildings!! We also still have yearbooks for sale. They are $25 each and can be purchased at either school office.
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Join the Brookwood PTO at the Farmer's Market on June 9th and August 25th to plant seeds of your own. We will be located under the small pavilion at Veteran's Park from 3-7pm while the Farmer's Market is open.
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Please enjoy the class video for the graduated 8th grade class of 2023: It is crazy to think they are now alumni!! Once a Mustang--forever a Mustang! Did you know that we have a Brookwood Alumni Outreach Program? It is a great place to get information about what is happening at Brookwood and how to stay connected sign up today to be a part of this if you are a Brookwood Alumni! Being a Brookwood Alumni is an aspect of being a Mustang that will forever bond you to the Brookwood Family. We ask that all of our Brookwood Alumni fill out the following form to be included in special emails throughout the school year that will include school and community events and special messages for our alumni from the Genoa City Joint 2 School District. We are excited that you are interested in being a part of our Alumni Outreach Program and if you have additional questions about it, please reach out to Helen Xiong at Sign up today:
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Schools out for summer…unless you signed up for our fun summer school sessions 🤣 but in the meantime…head out to High Point- Lake Geneva today to grab the last of those Brookwood drinks to support our schools!!!
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
It’s been a tradition that after students leave, the district ends the year with a staff luncheon with years of service recognition. Congratulations to the following staff members being recognized: Bill Erickson 5 years of service Kim Garrett 5 years of service Amanda Springer 5 years of service Carey Denecke 5 Year Plaque but 9 years of total service Luke Braden 10 years of total service Helen Xiong 15 years of service Kathy Lind 20 years of service but 21 years of total service Chuck Herman 30 years of service Thank you to all of our staff for their love, dedication, and commitment to our schools.
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong