It’s been a tradition that after students leave, the district ends the year with a staff luncheon with years of service recognition. Congratulations to the following staff members being recognized: Bill Erickson 5 years of service Kim Garrett 5 years of service Amanda Springer 5 years of service Carey Denecke 5 Year Plaque but 9 years of total service Luke Braden 10 years of total service Helen Xiong 15 years of service Kathy Lind 20 years of service but 21 years of total service Chuck Herman 30 years of service Thank you to all of our staff for their love, dedication, and commitment to our schools.
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
What a great day to be a Mustang! We are SO proud of ALL of our students!!!! We wanted to give a huge shout out to our staff, families, AND our community for continuing to support our schools. Have a great summer and keep being Brookwood, Mustangs.
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
It’s been a great morning at the middle school with all the fun and activities happening! Don’t forget all school - middle school awards start at 9:30 in the gymnasium with a picnic to follow. We hope to see you there!
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Congratulations to our GRADUATED 8th grade class of 2023!! Keep growing into your greatness, Mustang Alum!!
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Brookwood Families, due to the potential chance of a thunderstorm this evening, graduation will be moved inside to the BMS gymnasium. Start time is still scheduled for 6:30pm. Thank you!
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Guess what’s happening at the middle school right now…..we can’t wait to see you tonight when you get to Show Your Greatness —-Hats off to our graduating 8th grade class of 2023.
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
BMS Lip Sync Battle was today and it was a blast!! We are so proud of all of our students that took the stage today!! Congrats to Mr. Gunnip’s class for taking first place!!!
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Did YOU get Booked by Brookwood yet?! If not, keep watching your front porch!!! And once you do, don’t forget to get those window clings up!! We hope you get Brookwood Booked! Our GCJ2 Family Engagement Team is SO excited to share with you our Brookwood Book Bags where our team has filled these special bags with books for YOU. These bags will be dropped off at random Brookwood Family houses and we ask that you and your family pick a book or two to keep to engage in literacy with your child at home. Then in the bag you will find an envelope with window clings in it. Post a window cling on a front window signifying that you've been Brookwood Booked and then pass the bag and clings onto another Brookwood Family's house!! If you aren't sure of a house to drop it off at ---bring it back to either the elementary or middle school and we will get the bag to its next location! If you are the last one to get the bag with a book or two in get a bonus! Keep the bag for yourself!! Thank you for supporting the Family Engagement Team's goal with building relationships and strengthening our connection between the schools and you families to help increase student achievement. If you have questions, please feel free to contact anyone on our Family Engagement Team! Don't forget to ONLY drop off to houses of families that you know and that are a part of the Brookwood Family. If you are uncomfortable dropping bags off, please have your child bring it back to the schools and we will do the next delivery. Lastly, please don't forget to put a window cling up to signify you do not need another bag nor want a bag. Check out this video for more information: Have pictures you’d like to share with your books? Email them to:
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Are you heading to Lake Geneva today?! If so….head to High Point- Lake Geneva!!! Today starts our weeklong fun with ending the the year on a high point and an easy way to give back to our schools!!
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Did YOU get Booked by Brookwood today?! Over 40 bags were delivered today….and more to be delivered next week. Keep an eye on your front porch!! We hope you get Brookwood Booked! Our first round of drop offs will happened today! Our GCJ2 Family Engagement Team is SO excited to share with you our Brookwood Book Bags where our team has filled these special bags with books for YOU. These bags will be dropped off at random Brookwood Family houses and we ask that you and your family pick a book or two to keep to engage in literacy with your child at home. Then in the bag you will find an envelope with window clings in it. Post a window cling on a front window signifying that you've been Brookwood Booked and then pass the bag and clings onto another Brookwood Family's house!! If you aren't sure of a house to drop it off at ---bring it back to either the elementary or middle school and we will get the bag to its next location! If you are the last one to get the bag with a book or two in get a bonus! Keep the bag for yourself!! Thank you for supporting the Family Engagement Team's goal with building relationships and strengthening our connection between the schools and you families to help increase student achievement. If you have questions, please feel free to contact anyone on our Family Engagement Team! Don't forget to ONLY drop off to houses of families that you know and that are a part of the Brookwood Family. If you are uncomfortable dropping bags off, please have your child bring it back to the schools and we will do the next delivery. Lastly, please don't forget to put a window cling up to signify you do not need another bag nor want a bag. Check out this video for more information: Have pictures you’d like to share with your books? Email them to:
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Brookwood Elementary Families: We are so excited for our final celebration and school wide picnic on June 2nd. The picnic will run from 11:00am-12:00pm in the playground area. If you plan on joining us, please gather outside the main doors lining the sidewalk. We will be having our 3rd grade take their final walk through the halls and exit the building through the main office doors to the receiving line of family and well wishers. Following the 3rd grade parade, all other classes will get their lunches and meet in the playground area. You can meet your child/children there. If you plan on taking your BES student home with you following the picnic, make sure you check out with your child's homeroom teacher. They will have your report cards for you at check out. Following checkout at 12:00, families can enter the building and pick up their child's belongings from their cubbies prior to leaving and starting Summer Break. If you cannot join us for the celebration please note, there is no scheduled 4k programming on June 2nd and school will be dismissed for k-3rd at 12:25 on June 2nd. I wish you all a great summer and thank you for your support throughout the school year. ---Mr. Braden Brookwood Middle School Families: The staff at BMS would like to invite parents and guardians to join us for our last day of school awards ceremony and picnic! The 4th-7th Grade Awards Ceremony will be hosted in the gym, and will begin promptly at 9:30am. Parents can enter the building through the main doors - and we will begin seating at 9:15am. Immediately following the ceremony, parents are also invited to stay for a picnic lunch with their student. Parents - we welcome you to bring a picnic style lunch or snacks for yourselves and your student(s). A hotdog lunch will also be available for students in the school lunch line. If you plan on taking your BMS student home with you following the picnic, please make sure to check out with your child's homeroom teacher. He or she will have report cards for you at check out. Following the check out at 11:15am, families can enter the building and pick up their child's belongings from their lockers prior to leaving and starting Summer Break. Looking forward to celebrating the end of a GREAT school year together! ---Mrs. Franz
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Happy Friday!! The last Brookwood Bulletin of the year:
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
The afternoon proved to be very special as well at BMS. The 4th graders presented their state projects for the entire school. They worked really hard researching a state and were able to share important information about that state with any student who stopped by and inquired. These students also had an opportunity to prepare food or drink that would traditionally be associated with their state. Not only did these students learn about their state, but learned how to present material on a poster board. They learned how to place information to be aesthetically pleasing as well as easy to read. All ELA grammar rules were applied. It was such a great learning experience for all of our Mustangs.
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Here's your Mustang Minute from the Principals' Offices:
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
What a fun morning at BMS!! After a couple of years of taking a break from our Folk Fair, the World Language classes hosted their Culture Fair on Friday morning. Students in grades 6, 7 & 8 researched a country of interest, created a game for kids to play that was based on the research, as well as prepared either food, a flyer, or artwork that the guests received when they visited the exhibit. Any students who were not directly involved in the culture fair were able to participate in the event. These participants also carried passports to get signed as they visited each country.
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Celebrate the end of the school year on a High Point with Brookwood. Order a Brookwood drink or two or four from May 29th-June 3rd from High Point in Lake Geneva and a portion of all Brookwood purchases will come directly back to the schools! Location: 253 Center Street / Lake Geneva Hours: Monday & Tuesday 7am-2pm Wednesday-Friday 7am-2pm Saturday 9am-2pm
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
We hope you get Brookwood Booked! Our first round of drop offs will happen tomorrow! Our GCJ2 Family Engagement Team is SO excited to share with you our Brookwood Book Bags where our team has filled these special bags with books for YOU. These bags will be dropped off at random Brookwood Family houses and we ask that you and your family pick a book or two to keep to engage in literacy with your child at home. Then in the bag you will find an envelope with window clings in it. Post a window cling on a front window signifying that you've been Brookwood Booked and then pass the bag and clings onto another Brookwood Family's house!! If you aren't sure of a house to drop it off at ---bring it back to either the elementary or middle school and we will get the bag to its next location! If you are the last one to get the bag with a book or two in get a bonus! Keep the bag for yourself!! Thank you for supporting the Family Engagement Team's goal with building relationships and strengthening our connection between the schools and you families to help increase student achievement. If you have questions, please feel free to contact anyone on our Family Engagement Team! Don't forget to ONLY drop off to houses of families that you know and that are a part of the Brookwood Family. If you are uncomfortable dropping bags off, please have your child bring it back to the schools and we will do the next delivery. Lastly, please don't forget to put a window cling up to signify you do not need another bag nor want a bag. Check out this video for more information:
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
We hope you get Brookwood Booked! Our GCJ2 Family Engagement Team is SO excited to share with you our Brookwood Book Bags where our team has filled these special bags with books for YOU. These bags will be dropped off at random Brookwood Family houses and we ask that you and your family pick a book or two to keep to engage in literacy with your child at home. Then in the bag you will find an envelope with window clings in it. Post a window cling on a front window signifying that you've been Brookwood Booked and then pass the bag and clings onto another Brookwood Family's house!! If you aren't sure of a house to drop it off at ---bring it back to either the elementary or middle school and we will get the bag to its next location! If you are the last one to get the bag with a book or two in get a bonus! Keep the bag for yourself!! Thank you for supporting the Family Engagement Team's goal with building relationships and strengthening our connection between the schools and you families to help increase student achievement. If you have questions, please feel free to contact anyone on our Family Engagement Team! Check out this video for more information:
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
8th Grade Graduation Dance // May 31 from 7pm-9pm // @BMS
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
8th Grade Graduation Dance // May 31 from 7pm-9pm // @BMS
almost 2 years ago, Helen Xiong