#BrookwoodFamily #GCJ2Alumni Once you are part of the Brookwood Family....you're always a part of the Brookwood Family. We love seeing our GCJ2Alumni as they continue to Grow into their Greatness in High School and share their perspectives and Greatness with us!! Julia, a junior at Badger and a Brookwood alumni, came to the middle school art classes last week to talk about what art classes are available at the high school. Julia talked about course offerings and had a presentation with samples of her amazing artwork! She also answered any questions the students had. We were so lucky to have Julia come and share with us! Thank you, Julia! Did you know that we have a Brookwood Alumni Outreach Program? It is a great place to get information about what is happening at Brookwood and how to stay connected ...so sign up today to be a part of this if you are a Brookwood Alumni! Being a Brookwood Alumni is an aspect of being a Mustang that will forever bond you to the Brookwood Family. We ask that all of our Brookwood Alumni fill out the following form to be included in special emails throughout the school year that will include school and community events and special messages for our alumni from the Genoa City Joint 2 School District. We are excited that you are interested in being a part of our Alumni Outreach Program and if you have additional questions about it, please reach out to Helen Xiong at Helen.Xiong@gcj2.k12.wi.us Sign up today: https://tinyurl.com/ht4hj2zd
about 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Our BMS Forensics Team had a great meet in Elkhorn this past weekend. Seven superior ribbons and two excellents! Their last meet is next Saturday at LGMS....way to show your greatness, Mustangs!!
about 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Here is your Mustang Minute: https://www.smore.com/tpxq3 Don’t forget to get your BFO Daddy Daughter Dance forms turned in. BFO is also looking for some help for this event: Volunteer Sign Up https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040E44AEA629A7FD0-daddy1 Snack Sign Up https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040E44AEA629A7FD0-daddy
about 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
BMS Student Council Valentine's Day Sucker Sales for 50c cents a sucker. Buy one for your friends, siblings, or teachers during your lunch! Feb 6th-10th.
about 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
This week's Brookwood Bulletin: https://youtu.be/84J2vna4mE8
about 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Thank you to all of the families who participated in the BFO Little Ceasar's Fundraiser! We raised just over $1000 for BFO's future events! Special congratulations to our top 3 sellers, who will be receiving Book Fair Gift Certificates to spend at the upcoming book fair at BMS! CONGRATS to Kayden, Charlotte, and Amos!
about 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Your child's Spring picture day at: Brookwood Elementary & Middle will be February 24th. Please use the link below to pre-order your portrait: http://edclarkschoolphoto.hhimagehost.com/BrookwoodElemen... Online Picture Ordering will close at 8am on picture day. If you do not Pre-Order pictures, No Individual Picture will be taken of your child. If you are having issues with the link copy and paste this into your browser: https://AccessMyEvent.com/C9HY31 We look forward to seeing you! -E.D. Clark Photography
about 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Hot off the press: Genoa City News!! Please accept our apologies that we had misprinted the date for the Genoa City Lions Club Easter Pancake Breakfast & Egg Hunt! The correct date is April 1st and is correctly edited on this digital share of the Genoa City News. Thank you to ALL those that submitted articles for this edition and we are excited to be able to offer paid ad space for our local businesses. If you are interested in an ad space, please contact Helen Xiong at Helen.Xiong@gcj2.k12.wi.us
about 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
We can’t believe it’s that time already! Today, our 8th graders had the opportunity to tour Badger High School in preparation for next year! They learned about all that Badger has to offer, both academically and extracurricularly, and there is something for everyone! Students left feeling excited for their next step & prepared with some ideas about the classes they plan to take.
about 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
We love how our middle school students love Mustang Monday’s as much as we do 🙌🏽. Way to show some school spirit!!
about 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
It's Monday...and you know what that means....Mustang Morning Show!! https://youtu.be/Wu8j-OSYUzA
about 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
BMS Book Fair: February 27-March 2 Open during the school day to students until 4pm. Open to the public on March 2nd from 3pm-7pm
about 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
No School: February 20, 2023 Professional Development for Staff
about 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
BFO is calling all daddies and daughters to saddle up and get over to the dance at BES. Bring a dad, grandfather, uncle, brother, or any other special guest! Saturday, Feb. 11th from 1-3pm at BES. $5 per couple or $10 per family. Please submit your payment and RSVP to either front office by Feb. 6th Questions: brookwoodfamily19@gmail.com
about 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Have a great week, Brookwood Family! You may want to make sure you check your mailbox this week!
about 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Our Brookwood Middle School Forensics team had their first meet at Milton Middle School today. The students did a great job and earned ribbons for their performances. Students were awarded ribbons in both the Excellent and Superior categories. Way to make us Mustang proud!
about 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Happy Friday everyone!! Here is your Brookwood Bulletin. https://youtu.be/51lJw4xOCD8
about 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Here's your Mustang Minute from the Principals' Offices: https://www.smore.com/dm02n
about 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
This is the last week to buy Pizza Kits! Chances are if you’ve already bought a Pizza Kit, it’s been made, baked and eaten! So, order more now before time runs out! Pizza Kits are great to have on hand during the holiday season. Everyone appreciates the convenience of a delicious meal that your family will love. Buy your favorites today and re-send the link to your family and friends who may have forgotten to order! Don't forget, the top 3 sellers will be awarded a book fair gift card to use in March! Thank you for your help and support!
about 2 years ago, Helen Xiong
Not only is student wellness important to us at GCJ2…but so is staff wellness. Thank you Mrs. Brenek for offering a staff drum fit class after school today for our staff members!! And we mayyyy have a little surprise for you all tomorrow. Stay tuned!
about 2 years ago, Helen Xiong