Way to go to our top three middle school spellers!!! We are so #MustangProud of you all. Congrats to Meric who will move onto the regional spelling bee.

So proud of all of our middle school spellers….good luck to those in the school spelling bee today!!!

We know what you've been waiting for.....this week's Mustang Morning Show! Enjoy!

Thank you to the BFO for another great family event!!! Donuts with Grownups was great! We are so appreciative of all the volunteers for their help, families that came out, Bodi's Bake Shop for the delicious donuts, Dunkin' for the coffee....and Chief Balog for taking the rest of the donuts to our local police department and fire department!!

Oh you know….just serving 400 donuts at the middle school today!!! HUGE THANK YOU to Bodi's Bake Shop for supporting this event with your delicious donuts!!!

Who is ready to have some Donuts with Grown-ups?!?! We sure are!! See you all at BMS from 8-10am!
Limited walk up donuts available.

Time is running out to buy Pizza Kits to support our fundraiser! Order by January 23rd for guaranteed delivery for the Super Bowl! Every week, we are getting closer to our goal but we really need everyone to work together and participate. Make sure you’ve sent your link to anyone who will support you and our fundraiser. Think of anyone you know who likes pizza…HINT HINT, that’s everyone!

This past Monday's school board meeting included some BES student celebrations!
Brookwood Elementary would like to take time to celebrate some students from Mrs. Gahart 2nd grade class. These students have all shown significant growth in English Language Arts with our new curriculum, ARC Core. In 2 months time, between assessments, the following students have demonstrated academic growth between half a year all they way to 1.15 years growth.
Congratulations to Angelica, Klaire, Ryker, Maven, and Miller for all the hard work they have put in to achieve these superb results. Keep Growing into your Greatness, Mustangs!

Thank YOU to EVERYONE who participated and supported the Brookwood Pride Pump event. HUGE thanks to the Genoa City Travel Center for giving back during October AND November. We are also thankful for Moving With Erin Weber REMAX Plaza licensed in Illinois and Wisconsin for pushing forward with this giveback event to give back to us!!! Every penny counts and we were graciously given $2,553.36 that will go directly to student activities.

Brookwood Families...BFO needs YOUR HELP!! Please sign up to help volunteer at this event: Donuts with Grownups. Without your help and support the BFO cannot continue to have these exciting events for our families. Sign up here: https://tinyurl.com/r99673rx
Don't forget to get your forms turned in so we can ensure we have enough donuts for everyone!

Brookwood Ski Club started this past Friday night! Everyone had a great time and were all smiles! The Ski Club even had a former Brookwood student as an instructor!! All the skiers did an awesome job and can’t wait until Friday to hit the slopes again. If you would like to join next week, please make sure to fill out the Google form and Mrs. Horak will send you information and the Grand Geneva link to get tickets. You will need to purchase tickets this Monday to ski this Friday.
This event is open to not only students but family members as well!! Are you an advanced skier or a beginner? It doesn't matter!! This is a steal of a deal and is open to all levels of skiers! Please fill out the following form if you are interested: https://tinyurl.com/yckpyp5k
This event is open to students but also open to family members. If there are children outside of the grade levels of 4th-8th grade attending, it is asked that parents oversee those other children.
$39.58/per person/per date: this payment of registration includes a 90 minute ski lesson, ski/snowboard rental and lift ticket!!
OR through the registration link from Mrs. Horak you can specify exactly what package you would like to order:
$13.75 per week and
$15.83/lift ticket and/or
$10/ski/snowboard rental
**There are no snowboarding lessons available for this event**
Come one week or all six weeks!!
Our Dates: Jan 20, Jan 27, Feb 3, Feb 10, and/or Feb 17
ALL STUDENTS that rode the bus MUST check out with Mrs. Horak with their parents between 7:30pm-8:00pm at Grand Geneva. The home-base for check out will be decided upon the arrival at Grand Geneva.

We need YOUR help to help us continue to Grow into our Greatness!!
Do you or anyone you know have a child 4 years old or younger?? We are looking for YOUR feedback in growing our programming at Genoa City Schools.
Please fill out the following survey OR help us by sharing this survey with others!
We are investigating on providing a full day 4K option as early as the fall of 2023.
Please see the following link for more information and the survey:

Middle school students!! Get ready for some hot chocolate from the student council!! Jan 26th!

SAVE THE DATE! Feb 24th 5-7pm at BES! Stay tuned for RSVPs that will be coming home soon!
The Brookwood Family Engagement Team invites you to Read S'more Books Night! Families are invited to come in and visit various classrooms where teachers will host different reading strategies. As you visit rooms you will have to check off your "Bingo" sheet so you can then be admitted to the gym where we will have lights dimmed and families can come in with their sleeping bags, tents, and pillows to read s'more books together while enjoying yummy s'mores!
Join in the fun with community guest speakers and a free book exchange (bring a gently used book exchange for another book to bring home)
Questions or interested in being a guest speaker? email: Helen.Xiong@gcj2.k12.wi.us

Saturday Morning Basketball starts February 4th! This is an exciting opportunity for our younger Mustangs, grades K - 5th, to get involved and start learning the game! Please use the following link to sign up your children: https://forms.gle/bbvkboc7KicZiuJX9
All Saturday Morning Basketball will take place in the BMS gymnasium. Please use the side parking lot (by the playground) and enter through Door 5. Parents are welcome to stay - we will have seating set up - or you can drop and go.
Please fill out a separate form for each student you are signing up.Keep your eyes peeled for a follow-up email with information on how to order basketball t-shirts! Questions? Contact Jess Metcalf: jessica.metcalf@gcj2.k12.wi.us.

Still haven't registered for ski club?! Well....you better soon!!
We are SO excited to announce our first ever Ski Club at Grand Geneva!! This event is open to not only students but family members as well!! Are you an advanced skier or a beginner? It doesn't matter!! This is a steal of a deal and is open to all levels of skiers! Please fill out the following form if you are interested: https://tinyurl.com/yckpyp5k
This event is open to students but also open to family members. If there are children outside of the grade levels of 4th-8th grade attending, it is asked that parents oversee those other children.
$39.58/per person/per date: this payment of registration includes a 90 minute ski lesson, ski/snowboard rental and lift ticket!!
OR through the registration link from Mrs. Hoark you can specify exactly what package you would like to order:
$13.75 per week and
$15.83/lift ticket and/or
$10/ski/snowboard rental
**There are no snowboarding lessons available for this event**
Come one week or all six weeks!!
Our Dates: Jan 13, Jan 20, Jan 27, Feb 3, Feb 10, and/or Feb 17
ALL STUDENTS that rode the bus MUST check out with Mrs. Hoark with their parents between 7:30pm-8:00pm at Grand Geneva. The homebase for check out will be decided upon the arrival at Grand Geneva.