While the forecast is calling for limited snowfall, the wind and bitter cold will be creating a dangerous environment starting Thursday late morning and continuing through Saturday. We are very concerned about having students and staff out on the roads at dusk under these forecasted conditions. We considered an early release in the middle of the day, but felt it would create a bigger burden for parents as we have never done that before. In addition, we wanted to give ample notice so parents could arrange childcare if needed.
For those reasons we are announcing that we will be closing school on Thursday December 22nd. Please stay safe and enjoy the time with your family and friends.

4th graders experienced what an Early Wisconsin Gathering would be like. They played games like marbles, jacks, pick up sticks, and tiddlywinks. After that they got to taste some of the food that early Wisconsinites would have enjoyed. They feasted on wild rice soup, cranberry muffins, different cheeses, apples and oranges and enjoyed wassil, as drink from apple cider and cranberry juice. They also got to taste ribbon candy and other old fashion candies. To end the afternoon, they had to search for a stocking filled with fruit and candy. It was a fantastic day!!

Thank you to all those that donated monies, clothing, time, and well wishes to our Families in Needs Program. We also wanted to give a huge thank you to the community members of Lakeland Community Church for delivering and donating 65 breakfast bags towards this program as well. We are so fortunate to have the supporting community groups continue to lift up our schools and students. Thank you. Thank you. Thank YOU!!

Don’t forget that tonight is the BMS Winter Concert which starts at 6:30pm at BMS.
The groups performing will be our 6th-8th grade Choir, 5th grade band, 6th grade band, 7/8 grade band and jazz band.
While you’re in the building, makes sure to check out the amazing artwork throughout the hallways!!

Order your yearbook today!!! The Brookwood Yearbook spans across district and is a great way to keep this year's memories forever!
Yearbooks are $25 each and you can make it extra special by personalizing it with Namestamp for an additional $6.
Order your yearbook at yearbookforever.com

Thank you SO much to all those that are a part of our Families in Need Program. Tonight, our BFO volunteered to help organize and box up the items that were graciously donated to the program from our donors. Huge thank you to Mac's Moving and Storage for donating all the boxes for this program for a second year in a row. We are truly thankful for all those that continue to not only support our schools but our families as well.
If you signed up to donate to this program, we are still accepting donations until Wednesday!!
Thank you…thank you….thank YOU!!!

Don’t forget the BFO Holiday Shop is open until 8 tonight!! Thanks to all of the volunteer elves that are helping at all of the shopping nights.
12/10 from 8am-11am
12/13 from 5pm-8pm
12/14 from 5pm-8pm

Our BMS Student Council is hosting a toy drive for the Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry for our community for this holiday season. Please drop off new and unwrapped toys to our middle school for us to deliver to the food pantry.

We hope you're staying on top of your 12 days of December reading challenge!! Make sure to get your sheets in before our winter break!!

Are YOU ready for the BFO Holiday Shop?!? WE ARE!! Thanks to the BFO and their volunteers for setting up shop tonight. We can’t wait to see you all!!!
Shopping at the Holiday Shop is a great way to give back to our schools. Our BFO elves will be on-site to help your child(ren)shop within their budget and giftwrap!!
See you on any or all of the following times the shop is open:
12/9 from 5pm-8pm
12/10 from 8am-11am
12/13 from 5pm-8pm
12/14 from 5pm-8pm
The holiday shop is a fun opportunity for students to “secretly” shop for small gifts for their friends and family. Prices on gifts range from $.25 to $10.

See you tomorrow, Mustang Families!

Our Mustangs are THE BEST at showing school spirit! Way to Be Brookwood, Mustangs!!!

Make sure to join in on the festive spirit days coming up!

*ALL inquiries, questions, and/or applications must be directed and submitted to Bill Erickson (1020 Hunter's Ridge / Genoa City, WI 53128) 262-279-1053 Bill.Erickson@gcj2.k12.wi.us
The Genoa City Jt. 2 School District is an equal opportunity employer and organization who fully and actively supports equal access for all people, regardless of race, color, religion, gender, age, national origin, veteran status, disability, genetic information or testing and sexual orientation.
**Please do not apply through Facebook**

Check out these opportunities to earn EXTRA boxtops for our school during the holiday season! So many fun Betty Crocker baking products that count towards box tops. Keep our school in mind when purchasing your items for holiday baking and don’t forget to scan your receipts. Download the FREE app today!
Money from boxtops go directly to support events and activities our BFO holds for our students and our Brookwood families!

Come join us at Southern Stop for BFO food night on December 15th, 5-9pm. Mention Brookwood and a portion of your meal will go back to the BFO.

Don’t forget that today is the last day to show your pump pride at our local Mobil gas station. Make sure to go to pump 11 or 12 so that our schools get the rewards back for showing your pump pride.