No School: January 16th
Professional Development Day for Staff

The Mustang Morning Show was such a hit that The Brookwood Bulletin was started at the middle school. Enjoy: https://youtu.be/s_gEy6AnKQ8

Our Little Caesars Fundraiser is going strong! In fact, you might say we go together like cheese and pepperoni! Have you set up your Seller page and started selling yet? We really need your help.
Our group earns $6 profit on every Kit we sell. We need your help to reach our goal! Big pizza eating days are just around the corner, so make sure you have Pizza Kits on hand for your Super Bowl celebration this year. Remember that you can also email link to your family and friends, so they don’t miss out, and post on your social media pages. Shipping costs are the same for 1 Kit or 2 Kits, so stock up and help us reach our goal!
Questions? email: brookwoodfamily19@gmail.com

BFO's Donuts with Grownups is coming up and they need your help! Click the following link to help support this event!
Make sure you get your money and forms turned in for this fun event! If you need another form, please contact either front office.

We need YOUR help to help us continue to Grow into our Greatness!!
Do you or anyone you know have a child 4 years old or younger?? We are looking for YOUR feedback in growing our programming at Genoa City Schools.
Please fill out the following survey OR help us by sharing this survey with others!
We are investigating on providing a full day 4K option as early as the fall of 2023.
Please see the following link for more information and the survey:

It’s pizza time! For the next 4 weeks, we’re selling Pizza Kits to raise money so we can pamper our teachers during Teacher Appreciation in May! To reach our goal and be successful, we need everyone’s help. It’s super easy to join the fun!
To get started follow this link https://fundraising.littlecaesars.com/login/join-fundraiser/b41c158d-44b6-47d2-8934-59e6713bec0b create your very own Seller page. You can customize your page, upload a video, create an avatar, and watch how many pizza kits you’ve sold. You’ll get your own special link to send to your friends and family so they can buy delicious pizza kits and support our fundraiser. Pizza Kits will be delivered directly to their home by FedEx, so send the link to your out of state family and friends, too. You can even post your Seller link on your social media pages.
Every kit we sell earns $6 profit and makes an impact. The top 3 sellers will be awarded a book fair gift card to use in March!!! Don’t forget to buy some for yourself!
Questions: brookwoodfamily19@gmail.com

BFO Presents: Donuts with Grownups for our Brookwood Family! Please join us at BMS for donuts, coffee, juice, and fun table activities for the whole family on Jan 21st from 8am-10am.
Please RSVP and submit payment by Jan 16th. Make checks payable to Brookwood PTO

Sharing YOUR Greatness!
We ask our Brookwood families to share with us things our Brookwood students are doing outside of school so we can share in your greatness and how #MustangProud we are of your accomplishments!! If you have something to share....email it to Mrs. Xiong at Helen.Xiong@gcj2.k12.wi.us
Our next sharers of greatness span across our district with Caiden who is a 4th grader at BMS and Cody who is a 3rd grader at BES. Both of these students play for the 4th grade Junior Badgers Basketball Team. They are both great teammates, are hardworking, and are determined to give the best to get better for themselves and their team.
Prior to break, they participated in the Badger Basketball Tournament where they lost a hard fought Championship game. They came in 2nd out of 8 team are earned the 2nd place medal for the tournament. They continued to be dedicated to their studies and their extra curricular activities.
Way to make us #MustangProud, Caiden and Cody!! Keep working hard and playing hard.

Brookwood Families, the phone lines and internet are intermittently working at both buildings. If you are in need of assistance please email our Administrative Assistants who will have internet access to email:
BES Carey Denecke Carey.Denecke@gcj2.k12.wi.us
BMS Amanda Springer Amanda.Springer@gcj2.k12.wi.us
Or call our emergency phone lines that are monitored during regular business hours while our phone lines are down:
BES 262-949-3491
BMS 262-949-1806
Thank you for your understanding and patience at this time. We will update you once these systems are restored.

The BFO would like to apologize for the mix up with the Little Caesar's Fundraiser. The information that was sent home yesterday does not work and we have corrected the issue.
Going forward, please create a 'seller' account using this link:
Then complete these steps to order pizza under your student/family name:
1. Follow prompts to create an account
2. Click on Brookwood Elementary School
3. Copy the link into your browser.
This link will also be the link you share with family and friends to qualify their orders under your registered student's account.
4.Scroll to the bottom of the page until you see the 'start shopping' button. Click that and order your items.
Thank you for your patience and support. With any questions please contact BFO member, Kennedy Freund 815-382-5845 or the BFO email brookwoodfamily19@gmail.com

We need YOUR help to help us continue to Grow into our Greatness!!
Do you or anyone you know have a child 4 years old or younger?? We are looking for YOUR feedback in growing our programming at Genoa City Schools.
Please fill out the following survey OR help us by sharing this survey with others!
We are investigating on providing a full day 4K option as early as the fall of 2023.
Please see the following link for more information and the survey:

Before break, 8th grade scientists had the pleasure of a guest therapist, Stacey Seacord-Peters, in who taught them about the use of Tibetan bowls to help them see and feel how sound waves move through crystal or brass. They enjoyed the relaxing tones and playing with various bowls, reviewing standards they had learned hands on, and making water bubble or ripple and ping pong balls bounce.
This was the capstone of their sound unit. How fortunate we are to have community members who are willing to share their knowledge and expertise in science to our students!

The previous post had an error on the date...please see this updated version:
Calling all 8th graders!!! Check this out!

Brookwood Families, the phone lines and internet are intermittently working at both buildings. If you are in need of assistance please email our Administrative Assistants who will have internet access to email:
BES Carey Denecke Carey.Denecke@gcj2.k12.wi.us
BMS Amanda Springer Amanda.Springer@gcj2.k12.wi.us
Or call our emergency phone lines that are monitored during regular business hours at this time:
BES 262-949-3491
BMS 262-949-1806
Thank you for your understanding and patience at this time. We will update you once these systems are restored.

Calling all 6th-8th graders!! Come be a part of the Yearbook Club!!

Calling all 8th graders!!! Check this out!

Join Us! BFO Food Night at Broken Spoke
Jan 19 from 4-8pm
Dine in or carry out!
Mention Brookwood and a portion of your order will go back to the BFO!

We hope everyone had an enjoyable break! Enjoy this week's Mustang Morning Show: https://youtu.be/56iEzVYxzdg