The FREE Brookwood Clothing Closet will be open for ALL on October 26th from 3:00pm-7:00pm.
The clothing closet is open to our Brookwood Family and the local community. Clothing of all types is available.
Thank you to those that have generously donated to our clothing closet.
more info: Kim.Garrett@gcj2.k12.wi.us

GCJ2 partners with Professional Services Group (PSG) who is presenting: Parenting Post-Pandemic: Helping our children learn and grow in a changing world.
5-5:30: Light Dinner
5:30-7:30 Presentation
--Childcare available--

Join us October 25th for an all- district "Pink Out" to show your support for breast cancer awareness.
BMS will also have a bake sale, and all proceeds will go to the American Cancer Society. Our goal is to raise $250.
Wear as much pink as you can!

6th grade art classes are working on constructing coil pots from clay. Students are building on previous ceramic skills such as creating a pinch pot and using the score and slip method to join clay pieces together while learning how to build and attach coils to make a small vase or cup. These pieces will be dried, fired in the kiln, and then glazed. Clay days are always a favorite in the art room!

It's creepy and spooky, so wonderfully gooky, it's fabulous and happy, our Brookwood Fall Fest! The countdown has begun!! See you THIS WEEKEND!!!
If you want to enter the costume contest please be ready for registration at 12:00. The lineup will start immediately and we will begin the parade to the trunk or treat area at 12:30. We have special judges from the community who will decide on 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place costumes as well as Best Decorated Trunks. The prizes are always amazing. Thank you Chief Balog for organizing the judges and the prizes.
Our Event does open at noon. Hay rides, lunch, inflatables, raffles, and story hour are just a couple of activities you can take part in during your time at the fest, especially if you are waiting for Trunk or Treat to open.
We are still looking for families to decorate a trunk. Remember admission to the event is free for your family if you host a trunk. Otherwise, admission is $5 per person or $25 per family. We have some tremendous raffle items from our community and area businesses this year. Raffle Tickets will be $1 each or 6 for $5. Hope to see you all there!

Books for all ages! Help support our schools by supporting your child's literacy at home!
For parents picking children up on the 24th and/or the 25th--we have opened a special time for you and your child to come and check out the fair!!
Book Fair Hours for Public
October 24th & 25th 3:30-4:00pm
October 26th & 27th 3:30-7:30
Or shop online between the 24th-27th

Monday, October 24th - Wear red to kick off Red Ribbon Week.
Red Ribbon Week - October 24 - 28th - Beyond teaching facts and spreading awareness on the dangers of drug and alcohol use through classroom guidance lessons during the year, Red Ribbon Week presents an excellent opportunity for us to teach students about the benefits of building lifelong healthy habits, physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Greetings Mustang Families!
As a reminder, Parent Teacher Conference Appointment times were sent home this week for all BES and BMS students who requested a conference. Here is this week's Mustang Minute: https://www.smore.com/2nh3y with other important information regarding this past week and upcoming events.
Have a great weekend!
Mr. Braden and Mrs. Franz

What a great day for professional development. Our staff spent intensive time collaborating with one another in the areas of safety, Educator Effectiveness, Math, English Langage Arts, conferences, grading, intervention work, and various other topics that will continue to help us Grow into Greatness.…but we missed our students!!! We can’t wait to see you all tomorrow!!

Way to go, Mustangs! Last week was a fun and spirited Homecoming week! From wacky hats and tie-dyes to snuggly pajamas and Brookwood swag, this was a fun way to band together as Mustangs across our District. On Friday, the middle school finished up the week with a pep assembly put on by the student council. The 6, 7, & 8 band kicked off the assembly and then the fall sports teams were recognized for a job well done. Our Mustangs really pulled together during this assembly...literally. It was a battle of the ages. There were tug-o-war competitions between homerooms and then cross-grade levels. Eventually, it was the aged that took the lead. The battle between Metcalf's homeroom and the BMS teachers was a tough one, but the teachers came out on top! Great job, Mustangs.

Thank you to ALL the families that were able to come out to Family P.E. Week in both of our buildings!! We hope that no one was TOO sore after the intense workouts you endured with your child! Have a great weekend, Mustangs!

What a great way to end the week…in our Brookwood Blues!!! Way to show your school spirit Mustangs!!!!!

Join us for BFO Food Night on Tuesday, October 18th from 4-8pm at La Cocina. Don't forget to mention Brookwood when ordering and a portion of your order will go back to the BFO.

Did you know that TODAY is World Teacher's Day?! To the best of THE best----Thank you to ALL of our amazing educators here at Brookwood! Your hard work and dedication continues to help us Grow into our Greatness.

Ohhhh.....you knowww....just our 6th, 7th, & 8th grade bands getting ready for the Badger Homecoming Parade!!! #MustangProud

BMS 6th-8th grade Girls' basketball starts on Thursday! Practice runs from 2:45pm to 4:15pm. You must have a concussion form on file in order to participate. Questions? Jess.Metcalf@gcj2.k12.wi.us

It is Wisconsin School Board Appreciation Week! We are so thankful for our school board members here at Genoa City Joint 2. Their commitment and dedication to our schools continue to help us all Grow into our Greatness.

Gold Walk pictures are on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GenoaCitySchools
SO many shoutouts of thanks!! Thank you to all the parent volunteers that came out for this event. Thank you to Officer Bappert and Chief Balog for getting some amazing drone footage! Thank you to Dousman transport for getting our elementary students to the middle school and back to the elementary for this District wide event. Thank you to all the students and staff for making this activity so successful. And...thank YOU for your donations!! All monies donated will be given to Kisses from Keegan & Friends --a local non-profit organization that supports local families affected by childhood cancer. Our Brookwood Family is THE BEST!!

Wednesday, October 19th is Unity Day. We at GCJ2 will be wearing orange to stand against bullying and unite together for kindness, acceptance and inclusion!